
Stanley Milgram 's Study On The Perspective Of Humanity

Decent Essays

In Bridgeport, Massachusetts a social psychologist performed an experiment that would alter our perspective of humanity. Stanley Milgram was studying obedience following WWII. With a Jewish background and an education in social psychology, he wanted to explore the obedience of German people. He thought the atrocities committed during WWII could be attributed to a highly obedient country and culture. Milgram would soon come to realize obedience is an integral part of human nature.
Milgram theorized that if a person was asked to shock another person within an experiment, they would quit before reaching high voltages. The three roles in his experiment would be the learner, the experimenter, and the teacher; the subject of Milgram’s study was …show more content…

The experimenter and subject were situated together in an adjoining room. In my opinion, whoever is in the room with you will have the most influence over you. I assume that the physical presence of the experimenter in the same room as the subject had more impact when compared to the detached voice of the learner in a separate room. I can only wonder whether the results would be different if the subject had to see the learner as they were “shocked”. This is comparable to the way people freely express profanity towards other individuals on the internet, but would never cause harm to another person when brought face to face. Aggression protected by anonymity or even physical detachment is timeless. It can alter the dynamics of any interaction. I also wonder if it was clear that the subject could leave if uncomfortable. The prompts from the experimenter were meant to test obedience of the subject. But within a scientific experiment, I believe it may have limited the subjects’ freedom to leave at their own will. I am also curious to know whether people would rebel more freely, when tested in a group setting. I feel as though data collected on obedience of a group under authority would be more applicable to reality.
I consider what decisions I would make as the subject, and I honestly think that I would fall into the majority who carried out the whole experiment. Part of my willingness to follow the procedure would be based on my trust in scientists and the scientific

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