
Statement Of Philosophy. Record Your Statements Of Philosophy

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Statement of Philosophy Record your statements of philosophy of Nursing and of personal philosophy. Explain how these are reflected the values, vision, and personal interests that you recorded in your “My Vision and Interests” tool. My personal philosophy of nursing is to assist all my patients and their families during this crisis of illness and improve to their outcomes, using only the best nursing practices. Although their hospital stay may be unpreventable I can better facilitate their journey to a better state of health. My personal philosophy also includes pursuing my education to improve my nursing practice. Learning from my patients, families and my peers on this journey will allow opportunity for growth and knowledge. The …show more content…

Goals must be stated in measurable terms, i.e., how can you tell you have accomplished that goal? Identify dates for accomplishing each goal. Setting goals is what drives people to growth and change within themselves. If one fails to dream and sets goals, it is unlikely the will grow or change (Scott, 2014). Allowing myself to set goals is a personal commitment and a drive to make change. Growing, educating and knowledge with time allows one to feel safe to dream and thrive to make better and larger goals. My first goal after obtaining my BSN in April 2017 is to work on myself and my family. In my career, my goal will be to work on my clinical ladder and seek ways to improve myself and my facility. There are many committees I would like to join and be a part of at work. I know I will have reached my goal when I have moved up several levels on the clinical ladder. My plans for professional development in the next three to 10 - 15 years will still be working at the bedside spreading my knowledge to others who are willing to learn. If financially I am able I would like to pursue my MSN. Being a leader is something that inspires me and I wish to be knowledgeable enough to help and teach others later in life. The final goal would be to not retire, but to cut down to part time and remain at the bedside. I would love to travel and volunteer my time to others in need of healthcare outside of the US. I will know I have reached this goal when I am at peace

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