I have been a member of the Albert Lea FFA for five years. I have taken just about every opportunity to come my way from this program. I have participated in dairy cattle evaluation, general livestock, meat evaluation, and small animal care contests in the last 5 years. I attended Greenhand day, as well as SGLC and SLCCL the last three summers. I am proud to say I have been the top fruit sale seller the last 3 years as well. My proudest moments in FFA have been while serving as Historian in 2014 and President in 2015-2016. I led almost all of our club's activities as our advisor was on health leave. I have attended State and National Convention for 3 years also. I worked and organized our county fair food stand, while exhibiting animals at
for four years I have been an active member in,the Edmond FFA and FFCLA.Within these four years I have involved myself in the Edmond FFA Farm Business Management Academic Team and as a goat livestock showmen for two years. I have involved myself in two different Edmond schools FCCLA’s, within all four of these years, I have become apart of the club officer team, Star Event, been a representative in many District 3 meetings, including the leadership conference. During the summer, for every year for six years I involved myself in teaching Vacation Bible School, in both Texas and
What I’m involved in with FFA is showing pigs, heifers, steers, livestock judging, and radio speaking, and volunteering to help out at FFA events being held by Rio Vista FFA. I am currently an FFA officer. I hold the position of the sentinel and will be taking the vice president position next year. I have done extremely well in my three years of showing animals, with my first
I was an active member of Muskingum County Junior Fair Board for four years, serving as president, secretary and a chairman on multiple committees. A member of my local 4-H club, Tri-Valley Country Kids, for ten years serving in a verity of offices like, recreation chair all the way up to president for multiple years. I have been an active member of Junior Leaders for six years serving in an officer position for four of those years. A 4-H Camp Counselor for four years. A youth representative on Muskingum County’s 4-H committee, Livestock Sale Committee and Livestock Committee. I also attending many Liaison and Senior Fair Board meetings. I
Let’s let that number soak in. That is a lot of people, but why am I writing to you about it? That is how many high school students practically meet in your honor every year. The National FFA Convention is held in October for the past one hundred years. It started off with two-hundred and seventeen people. I know you’re probably asking, how this relates to me, just hang in there. At this convention, FFA members do Career Development Events, which are based around agriculture careers. Also FFA members go to a huge Expo that has everything to tractors to dog grooming. Last, we get rewarded for our work in agriculture, these are known as Proficiency Awards. I got so much out of this this organization, I was the president of my chapter, National Finalist for the Small Animal Care Proficiency, and was able to compete at the National level in AgSales CDE. If it wasn’t for you I would never have these opportunities. Every time I think about a memory in high school, it was based round the blue jackets that honored you. You are the god of the National FFA Organization. There is so much to this convention and organization. These students are the future of your well-being. If it wasn’t for you, we would not know how to take care of you, provide for others and wear really awesome blue corduroy jackets. Speaking on behalf all FFA member, we love and appreciate
My membership expires on 12/31/15. I received a renewal; however, with a recent change in employment I wonder what membership options are available. I currently work for the State of Indiana at the Bureau of Motor Vehicles. I noticed there is a IIA/ACGA Government membership option would I qualify for that option and what is the rate? Would that option renewal my IIA membership? Additionally, I am in the progress of hiring a team of auditors which I expect to come onboard through out 1st quarter next year. Is there a Government membership option and what would be the
I have grown up on my family farm outside of Albert Lea MN for my whole life. I have always taken a special interest in the beef cattle on our farm. I currently manage all of the herd records, and own part of the business. Throughout my SAE project through FFA, I started my own herd as well. I work extremely hard on our farm with the beef chores. I also help out with the crop farming on my farm by running tractors and watching bins. Because I have such an interest in cattle, I started working on a dairy farm two years ago. I currently milk 150 cows before, and after school everyday. I take a lot of time with my school studies as well. I maintain a 4.0 even while taking numerous college classes, and working. One of my greatest passions while in school has been FFA. I have served as the historian and the President of our
The Future Farms of America or the FFA is the extracurricular activity that has affected me the most in my high school years and my life thus far. Many people may think that the FFA is only an organization of farms that go around judging cows and grow plants but we are much more than that. Through FFA, I have been able to come out of my comfort zone, take a leadership position, and learn to give back to the community. Meeting new people through all the competition the FFA does and working with members in my chapter caused me to make new friends who slowly help me out of my comfort zone. I even gave a speech in front of my whole about how FFA can cause anyone to step out of their comfort zones leaping out of the zone myself in that moment. As
My senior year is the grand conclusion to four amazing years of my high school life. My plans are to attend an in-state university to pursue a degree in Computer Engineering and Informational Technologies. Technology has always been an interest of mine ever since I can remember--as a kid I would tear apart computers just to see how they worked. That spark of interest inspired my love for technology and made me want to pursue it as a career.
The hands-on opportunity that you gave us will help me prepare for the FFA competition in April, because we were able to work with real live animals. Most of the other competitors won’t be able to have that experience
Truth be told, your passion is inspiring. Regardless of who you support for POTUS, Folsom city council is a non- partisan position. I'm running because I'm not a politician, I believe politics ruin politics. I grew up in Folsom, did elementary, middle school and graduated from FHS. I'm raising my family here and I want to ensure it stays the Folsom I got to love. A vote not for me is a vote for career council members who are bought and paid for, staying in office promoting a outside influences "growth for growth sake" agenda this city can't handle.
This goal became so heavy in my life that I forgot to ask myself throughout high school what else I wished to accomplish. I focused on it so much that it consumed every day of my life. I did not go to parties or hang out with my friends much. I spent my free time working on speeches and training my show animals so that my name might be called one more time and people could know who I was. Now do not get me wrong I loved every minute of meeting new people, making memories, and expanding my comfort zone. I lived for the late nights and the early mornings that followed. It was on these days that my love and passion for the FFA and the agriculture industry grew. When my
At the end of my Junior year I was elected to be FFA Chapter President my Senior year, immediately we started having officer meetings to decide how we could best serve our members, school, and community. I started new community service projects such as getting a local farm to donate pumpkins to the FFA, the FFA members then helped the special education students paint the pumpkins for Halloween. I also started a project where the FFA chapter painted Christmas ornaments shaped like cows and donated them to the residents of the local nursing home. The chapter now plans to make these events that I implemented annual
Hi, I’m Logan Morris and I have been a part of the Perry County FFA chapter for the past 4 years. I have been very involved in the FFA competing in several contests, helping Ms. Cindy with the truck and tractor pulls and the Easter egg hunts, and even going to forestry camp. I have competed in the Envirothon, horse judging, and land judging. My group was lucky enough to even come in third place in land judging. I have been blessed to receive my Greenhand Degree, Chapter Degree, and even my State Degree. Receiving my State Degree was one of the happiest moment of my life because I had been working for that moment for a long time. The FFA to me is not just a club but a family. If it wasn’t for the FFA I would have never met all the people I have and formed friendships that will last a lifetime.
Being a part of HOSA at my high school is what first introduced my to leadership, friendship, and service. I joined as a freshmen because it was a health care club and I want to be a nurse. As time passed I found myself immersed in the organization. I became president my senior year and was awarded at a state level for my community service. Looking back that organization help set the foundation of my values. To me being a good are those who are strong and decisive but also humble. Being a good friend means who are present, loyal, and honest, and trustworthy. Being a good service member means giving a helping hand. Also, I feel like leadership and friendship and service builds a sense of community. Community is something that is important to
To me, language is not only a medium of communication, but it is also a mean people use to express their identity and culture. Learning language in any of the aspects and contexts can be advantageous and it can give productive contributions to learning, teaching, and researching on language and linguistics. If anyone asks about the relationship between a language and me, I can say that I see myself in three different positions: a language learner, a language teacher, and a language researcher.