Statistical Analysis of Campus Crime Reported by Xing Huang Abstract The report sets out two hypothesizes to examine whether the factors—acceptance rate, campus size, private and number of admin staff—have a influence on the number of both 2010 and 2011 burglaries. The purpose of this report is to provide evidence for city managers to deal with the campus crime. The analysis indicates that city managers should carry out a more effective program for private schools to protect students from campus crime, and schools should limit the number of admin staff in order to address the issue of campus crime. Introduction This report is focus on the campus crime, particularly the burglaries happened on campus. According to the annual data collected …show more content…
Data Set The data analyzed in this report is from The Campus Safety and Security Data Analysis Cutting Tool. Such data are collected from “the OPE Campus Safety and Security Statistics website database to which crime statistics and fire statistics (as of the 2010 data collection) are submitted annually, via a web-based data collection, by all postsecondary institutions that receive Title IV funding (i.e., those that participate in federal student aid programs)”. The key variables are based on different universities in United States. Each university has different acceptance rate, campus size, the number of admin staff. Additionally, the data concludes both private and public schools. Also whether the school is located in the urban area is counted in this dataset as well. The measurement of those variables is well-defined interval, which is taken annually. Analysis In this report, the main concern is about the annual number of burglary on campus. Then we collected the number of burglary in different schools in the year of 2010 and 2011. In the first analysis, three independent variables are measured. The first is the acceptance rate, and the second is the campus size. The last one is private, which is a dummy variable coded 1 if the school is private and coded 0 if the school is not private. My research hypothesis and null hypothesis are stated below: H1: when acceptance rate and campus size are controlled,
Stephen F. Austin is a beautiful school surrounded by tall pine trees and lakes. With the small population of students that attend this university compared to, for example, the University of Texas, most students and parents would not suspect that many crimes occur on campus. Stephen F. Austin is not high on the crime list compared to other universities, but it is not completely sound either. Last year, around the spring semester, there were several rumored cases of young women being beaten by an unidentified male. Due to these rumors many students did not feel safe walking around campus, especially at night. In the Crime Log for Stephen F. Austin there were a reported of twenty-four burglaries from 2013-2015, and four reported forcible assaults with three of them occurring in on campus housing. This semester a fraternity on campus, Alpha Tau Omega, was accused of sexually assaulting a student during one of their events. The young women claimed to have been drugged and then sexually assaulted by several different men. Grand jurors’ chose not to indict anyone; therefore, the case was dropped.
While there is no documented first case of sexual assault at Boston University, it is clear that it was becoming a national problem by the 1970’s. As early as 1957 Eugene Kanin produced a study prompted by male aggression on university campus’s. In the study Kanin analyzed cases of one hundred and sixty two girls that felt they had been sexually abused on campus. Scholarly literature presented sexual assault on college campus’s by 1957 (Kamentz). In the 1960’s the violent crime rate skyrocketed across America. Women were the main recipients of the misconduct. It is likely that out of the thousands of students and women that attended BU at this time there were incidences of sexual assault. This became apparent nationally in 1972 when the government was called upon to change the law enforcement community (Sacco).
According to the crime index, Peoria is considered to be safer than 7% of the cities in the US. In Illinois, more than 97% of the communities have a lower crime rate than Peoria. When compared to other communities with a similar population size, Peoria’s crime rate is higher than average ("Crime Rates for Peoria, IL"). Like most cities, Peoria is going to have records of violent offenses including things like rape, murder and non-negligent manslaughter, armed robbery, and aggravated assault. But different areas of Peoria are going to differ on their crime rate based on the class level that lives there and the security precautions taken in that area. Because a lot of students will be living off campus in houses or apartments, it is important for Bradley to understand the likelihood of a crime involving those students might face while not
The two metropolitan areas I have decided to do my research paper on are Cincinnati, Ohio and Dallas, Texas. I choose Cincinnati because it is one of the bigger cities where I live. I choose Dallas because there seems to be a big difference in crime rates compared to Cincinnati. In this paper I will be comparing the burglary rate between these two cities. I will identify the number of burglaries reported to the police in each area and also explain which area had more reported
The following universities are in the PASSHE system: Bloomsburg University, California University, Cheyney University, Clarion University, East Stroudsburg University, Edinboro University, Indiana University, Kutztown University, Lock Haven University, Mansfield University, Millersville University, Shippensburg University, Slippery Rock University, and West Chester University. The table shows the crimes that have been reported on and off campuses. The missing data is a result of universities not publishing all of the numbers and certain years for the crime log. In the data below it is clear that liquor law, drug law, and theft are the most common crimes in all of the PASSHE universities. The number of a sexual offenses varies year to year. These numbers are not consistent to show a certain pattern. In the crime report for 2014 the numbers are lower than the last year which could be caused by the awareness and training programs the universities have in place. With this being said it could mean the data is unpredictable or the universities did not publish all of the
The University of California, Riverside, is known for its high crime rate. We constantly get notices and emergency warnings about robberies and kidnappings. As students, we walk in fear at night. Whether we live on campus or near campus, the chances of being mugged or sexually assaulted is always a possibility. When a person is afraid, his or her movements are limited. Thus, the existence of a police department on campus can help expand those limitations as it provides protection.
It provides opposing views of the need or lack thereof in regards to carrying a gun on college campuses. This study presents data for violent crimes on college campuses and compares it to the general public.
As a fellow Trojan living in the heart of a huge metropolitan city of Los Angeles, we are constantly bombarded by news of local crimes. Though sheltered in our little bubble of university life, we are still reminded of the dangers lurking in the shadows, perpetually threatening our sense of individual security. As a student, these fears most likely consist of physical safety such as being robbed, so an easy fix is just to not walk home alone and be more aware of the environment. If more support is needed, there are campus security,
Way too often are sexual assaults happening on colleges campuses. Because of these sexual assaults, females students have a hard time being safe on campus, or even staying on campuses. Statistics state, “1 in 4 college women will be the victim of sexual assault during her academic career… Every 21 hours there is a rape on an American college campus… College women are most vulnerable to rape during the first few weeks of their freshman and sophomore years”(Sexual Violence on College Campuses). Everyone says that your college days are the best days. Well they are, until a sexual assault or a murder has occurred on your campus. Now students are afraid to walk on their campus and feel safe and secure. They are afraid to enjoy their college experiences, thus not making their college experience the best years of their life. Do you think that Campus Security is doing enough to help prevent these crimes from happening? Do you think that the college crimes are only happening to certain students? Is college really as safe for students as it is made out to be? To understand the dangers of college campuses, it is important to analyze the statistics of college crimes, the people committing these crimes, the data from high profile cases, and the steps to make campuses safer. I feel like if the students on campus know that they have a safe environment then they will enjoy life more, maybe even become more
Most students are filled with excitement about their new lives on campus, but they don’t know the dark horrors and dangers that could lay ahead of them. Many have wondered why have these disruptions happened now though, but they are just simply uninformed of college campus’ dark past. Crime in college has always been here. One main place where violence flourishes is the Greek Societies. The first modern fraternity began in 1825, but the violence didn’t begin until the 1990’s. This was the same time when concerns of binge drinking and hazing began (Mantel). What crime are campuses facing exactly? Some problems include: rape, hazing, corruption in the Greek Societies, and gun violence. What is causing these crimes? “As
When put in this perspective, it is clear to see how broad this problem actually is. Robberies are events that occur on a day to day basis so when it is compared to the number of sexual assaults, it is a real eye opener. In college women are getting assaulted more than the number of robberies that are happening during that time period. Colleges and Universities have some rules and regulations put into place but is that
Sexual assault and rape among college campuses has been an ongoing issue across the nation for decades. In the state of Utah, this complex issue will not have a simple solution, but measures can be taken to prevent sexual assault and rape occurring on campuses. Utah Valley University is a campus that is taking considerably impressive measures to combat sexual assault, which will be a basis of this paper. Through university sex education, stricter laws and enforcement, and providing on-campus services to students, cases of sexual assault and rape in the higher level education setting will decrease, and students will be more likely to report these crimes.
Date rapes, hate crimes and theft have become an apparent concern on college campuses. The most disturbing crime on a college campus is a school shooting. Being a victim of any crime is the last thing any student or parent thinks of when choosing a college or university. The possibilities of danger on a college campus have been increasing over the years due to the reported crimes ranging from theft to murder. Because of the recent years of college campus reported shootings, both student and parent have become alarmingly concerned about
Safety is a tremendous issue on college campuses, and additional procedures need to be taken to prevent crimes from happening. When walking onto a college campus as a young adult, people get a rush of the unknown. The unknown could be going to college parties and late night study groups. College should be like any high school or elementary school and have better security measures to protect their students. The reasons we need these extra steps are to prevent violence, give students a sense of security, and monitor visitors on campus.
Before exploring the process of constructing campus crime as a social issue, Sloan III and Fisher (2011) found it necessary to report on the history of campus crime in American universities as the majority of the public assumes that campus crime is a relatively new phenomenon when in fact, campus crimes has been a prominent (yet not very visible) issue since the founding of the