
Staying Catholic In College

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I was given the article How to Stay Catholic in College on Tuesday, May 15th, 2018; however, I did not read it until Thursday, May 24th. Because of this, I will recount how I felt on that day, instead of focusing on the events of May 15th. May 24th was another routine day for me. I did what I do every day: get to school late, survive the day, go home, take a nap, and force myself up to do homework. The only exception was that I was exhausted more than I had ever been before. Rugby had just ended and I began getting into the terrible habit of not sleeping until 3:00-5:00 A.M each night. Unfortunately, this habit has stuck with me and it seems as if I can no longer fix it. Before I got to reading the article, I already had some idea with regards …show more content…

Staying Catholic in post-secondary education is not difficult if you are already a devout Catholic to begin with. Sadly, I am not committed to the Catholic faith, and with each passing day I find myself straying further away from God. In the past, I have likened myself to some of the worst sinners in the Bible. This comparison has always given me hope that I may one day change like they have. For example, Saul of Tarsus converted from a man who persecuted the followers of Jesus, to one who preached the word of God (Acts 9: 1-43). I myself understand that I am not like Saul, in a sense that I am not so fallen as to require direct intervention by God; however, I also understand that I do need help to become a better Catholic and a better man in general. I think a major problem of mine is pride. Funnily enough, it is pride that has held me back from realizing this until now. Having read C.S Lewis’ Mere Christianity, I see that my inability to relinquish control over my destiny is rooted in pride. I have asked God many times to protect me or to fix some of my wrong doings; however, I have always wanted him to stop at what I ask and to never go further. This is why I have experienced such prolonged period of spiritual anguish. God is trying to fix me but my pride gets in the way. This is shown to me in Mere Christianity wherein Lewis states that if you ask God to be cured of one particular sin he will give you the

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