
Stephen Covey's The 7 Habits Of Highly Effective People

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Much of how we view the world depends solely on how we perceive it. To improve a situation in our lives, we need to improve ourselves, and to improve ourselves, changing our perceptions is a must. How do I deal with this situation? How do I get from point A to my goal at point B? What do I value most? Questions we should be asking when trying to improve ourselves. Attitude sets the mood for everyday life. As the admirable author and educator, Dr. Stephen Covey at one time said, “Values drive behavior,” which stands true especially in the professional world, where most find themselves unhappy with their line of work. In his influential book, “The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People,” Dr. Covey provides the tools one could apply to their work life. According to “the 7 Habits,” one must: be proactive; instead of sitting around, contemplating on what you are unable to do, take accountability and resolve how you intend to improve your life. Keep the End in Mind is being knowledgeable of what you want to become and how you plan to achieve your goal. First thing`s first involves organization, what do you deem valuable? Think win-win is a way of good sportsmanship, and showing support for others. Someone doesn’t have to lose in order for someone else to win. Understand first, then be understood teaches one to listen and communicate with others effectively; it is imperative to reach a level of understanding with others to get a job done. Synergize, means taking the opportunity to

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