
Stephen Moose Case

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Stephen Mobley, your classic suburban-American boy born and raised into a middle-class loving home. He was never abused or bullied as a child and seemed to live a well-rounded life. However, as Mobley grew older little spurts of violence and malicious behavior began appearing from the darkness. At the age of 25 Stephen Mobley walked into his neighborhood pizza shop and did not return with a pizza, but with a sentence to life in prison on death row, awaiting execution. Mobley shot and killed the manager of the pizza shop in the neck after robbing the cash register and joking that he was interested in filling a vacant management position after the manager was dead. (Connor)
So, how can this happen? A vicious murder committed by a seemingly typical …show more content…

One of very prominent over the counter vitamin that can be used to help increase the level of the MAOA enzyme is vitamin B2, or riboflavin. Another great method is to begin taking progesterone, which is a crucial hormone, secreted by the female reproductive system; however, it can also increase the levels of MAOA enzyme within males. It is not totally clear how progesterone effects the MAOA gene as a whole, but it has show time and time be effective. Progesterone increases the levels of the MAOA enzyme and begins to stimulate the same neurotransmitters that are being researched in relation to the MAOA gene. The extra progesterone plays a crucial role in neurotransmission and almost goes hand in hand with the central nervous system when it comes to neurotransmitter communication. Because MAOA and CDH13 have been more readily linked to living a life of crime in the science world and in media, some criminals and lawyers are now taking advantage of it and using it as a bargaining tool, much like pleading insanity. Although it may seem like an easy way to get a plea bargain it may also hold the incarcerated more liable if they had previous knowledge of such gene. While it is very obvious that people will be subject to things beyond their control whether through genetic, biological, or environmental influence one thing they can choose is their free

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