
Stereotypes In The Movie Crash

Decent Essays

The film Crash by Paul Haggis, takes the audience through a day in the life of several individuals of different races, that live in the city of Los Angeles. There is large amounts of racism and prejudice portrayed by each of the main characters in the movie, to show how racial and social issues still remain in American society. Many of the characters simply look at the others and place stereotypes on them. For example, Sandra Bullock’s character essentially calls Michael Peña’s character a gangbanger because of how he appears. This occurs throughout the film with people of different races, but one of the main messages of this movie is that people are often more than the stereotypes of their race. An example of this could be the Persian man’s character, people viewed him as a member of the terrorist group Al Qaeda, …show more content…

The police officer’s father was suffering from medical issues, and the doctors would not allow him to be checked for anything serious. This frustrated the officer and he took his frustrations out on the couple that he pulled over for no serious reasons. His frustrations were clearly not justified in this scenario, he had no reason to detain the couple and molest the woman. Race could have possibly played a role in this moment, but this was a result of his frustration with his father and his illness. Excluding this incident, the others in the film were justified in terms of their hurt or anger. Although the other characters were justified, some of them could have gone about the situation in a different manner. The store owner and the couple that was carjacked had the right to be angry because of the acts that harmed them. The store owner did not have to find the father and attempt to kill him, and the woman did not have to act out the way she did, these two characters are an example of what anger can do to a

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