
Stereotypes Of Race : ' I Am An Invisible Man '

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Stereotypes of Race
“I am an invisible man...I am a man of substance, of flesh and bone, fiber and liquids-and I might even be said to possess a mind. I am invisible, understand, simply because people refuse to see me...When they approach me they see only my surroundings, themselves, or figments of their imagination-indeed, everything and anything except me”(Ellison, 3). The narrator begins his story by focusing on the central idea which encompasses the whole novel. This is the idea that although the narrator has a physical body/appearance, he is an “invisible man” to others because they simply “refuse to see” him. This is directly related to the fact that because he is African American, he is not seen and respected in the manner that a …show more content…

“The white folk tell everybody what to think-except men like me. I tell them; that’s my life, telling white folk how to think about the things I know about”(Ellison, 143).

During chapter six, Dr. Bledsoe is angry with the narrator as he took Mr. Norton on Golden Day to the area considered of bad quality and low standard, and this was the poor neighborhood with all black residents. Although the narrator strongly affirmed that he was only following Mr. Norton’s orders, Dr. Bledsoe stubbornly resists and declares that lying is the way for black people to please white people. He then continuously speaks of his own power, exclaiming that men like him tell white people what to think, while in contrast the racial stereotype is that white people “tell everybody what to think.” In this aspect, it can be said and seen that the narrator and Dr. Bledsoe are opposites, as the narrator obeys white people while Bledsoe works with them in a way that appears to be collaboration and submission while in reality he is using manipulation to alter their way of thinking and to fit his needs by gaining control of any situation. However, while Bledsoe strongly asserts this and it is true to an extent, this can also be looked at in another direction. Although Bledsoe

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