
Stereotyping In Sports

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Highly hyped teams will often have shorter odds mainly due to the fact so many people are betting on them, but if you are a veteran gambler, you will know that the odds a bookie gives and the hype surrounding a team is not a key indicator of success. Here are five questions you should ask yourself prior to placing mobile betting soccer bets on hyped teams (especially if you are planning to stake a lot of money).

Spend Some Time Watching Their Older Matches

You can often pull up older soccer games on the Internet. It is worth having a watch to see how well they fair. Is the hype justified based on their in-game play? When you watch their matches, are you seeing things that justify the hype the team are receiving? Remember that some teams …show more content…

There are other times when an extraordinary goalkeeper is able to cover for the mistakes of the team. Consider if the hyped team is being carried by a star player or two, and then ask yourself what would happen if that player was injured or if that player had a rough game.

Question 3 - Is The Team Being Carried By A Fantastic Manager?

It happens sometimes. There are times when a manager makes decisions during the game that are able to turn the tide. There are times when a manager alone can make decisions that turn a rowdy bunch of players into a well-oiled machine. If you watch some older games, you can see (in hindsight) that the manager made perfect decisions that may be mistaken for premonitions. It may be anything from pulling a star player off the team when the team are winning, to switching to an offensive game after half time.

How does this question help you place your bets on hyped teams? If you do your research and see that the manager keeps making great decisions, then you may more confidently place your bet. The team may be hyped for incorrect and/or unfair reasons, but the manager may help justify the hype when making decisions during the …show more content…

They may have entered the pitch with their heads held high, but it only takes a few dangerous shots from the opposing team to quash their moral and enthusiasm. The hyped team may have been expecting an easier game than the one they are getting. If you see the opposing team continue to apply pressure, you could do worse than place an in-play bet on the opposing team.

Question 5 - Is The Opposing Team Overdue A Dramatic Win?

If you watch a lot of team sports, be it basketball, hockey, rugby, football, or whatever, you will notice that some teams seem to pull off dramatic comebacks when nobody expects them.

A team can start with pre-season games and start their season with a terrible run, and then out of nowhere they suddenly start winning relentlessly. Do not underestimate the potential of the opposing team because of their track record. In addition, do not underestimate them because the hyped team is drawing all the attention. As a long-time soccer watcher, you should know that some teams can suddenly become fantastic overnight. It even happens in games sometimes. There are times when a team is a mess on the pitch, and then suddenly pulls it together for no

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