
Stereotyping Research Paper

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Everything is Not What it Seems: Stereotyping While walking down the street, someone may see a blonde girl who seems to be in a college sorority. Based off her appearance some people may assume that she is not as intelligent as the average person because she is blonde. Well, what if that same girl is a lawyer who graduated top of her class from Harvard law school? No one would think that this girl could be one of the best lawyers in the world. Nobody would assume that she went to Harvard. Based on stereotypes of people such as blondes, no one would think that she could be the person that she actually is. In this same way people stereotype other people every day based off of their physical appearances. Stereotyping can be dangerous because it fosters ignorance and it scares some people into developing fears based off of those stereotypes. The first reason why stereotyping can be dangerous is because it keeps certain people ignorant about people that they don’t know. Often times a person will judge someone they see on the street …show more content…

Stereotypes allow people to see one person and assume that everyone that looks like them is guilty of the same thing. Gary Grobman, an author for more than eleven years, insists that ” these stereotypes often lead to unfair discrimination and persecution” (9). The unfair discrimination that Grobman states can be seen in everyday life. Often times people believe the stereotype that African Americans are all criminals. To a person who has never met an African American before, they may see one on the street and automatically go to clutch their purse. These fears based off of stereotyping can be dangerous for people who get stereotyped. For those people getting stereotyped, their character may already be getting assassinated before they even have the chance to

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