
Steve Harvey Essay

Decent Essays

If I were to host a dinner party, the three guests that I would invite are Steve Harvey for his sense of humor, Sir Isaac Newton for his mathematical and scientific contributions and Dr. Ben Carson because of my interest in becoming a doctor. These guests will not only be bringing themselves to the party, but also entertainment as well as conversation of science and medicine. To compliment this, I will provide a three-course meal. First of all, a party isn’t a party without entertainment. Steve Harvey would be a great first person to invite to a dinner party because he is socially outgoing and is quite funny, both of which would contribute to the atmosphere. Steve Harvey is probably best known for his role of host on the shows “The Family Feud” and “Little Big Shots.” The show “The Family Feud” brings out his humorous side. Steve Harvey is one of those people that can find humor in any situation and the …show more content…

Ben Carson, former neurosurgeon and republican candidate for the 2016 election. Dr. Ben Carson’s residency was at John Hopkins University where he eventually became the director of pediatric neurosurgery. He was the only person to successfully separate conjoined twins that were joined at the back of the head, a procedure that would be a great conversation piece. Along with that, he has many other great firsts. He was also the youngest chief of pediatric neurosurgery at the age of 33. Ben Carson’s medical expertise would provide hours of conversation about his many achievements. He was a big figure in the world of medicine, and he also had a stint as a politician. After retiring from neurosurgery, he decided to run for president. Him and 16 others fought for the GOP nominee, and when he had no path to be the nominee, he dropped the race. One of his opponents, President-Elect Donald Trump, has said that he would make him surgeon general if elected. Ben Carson is more than deserving of such a position because of his many

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