
Storytelling Research Paper

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Storytelling is a fantastic way to come closer to one another, and reminisce on the past. It show lessons, and present themes. I think storytelling can really strengthen a relationship and change the way someone looks at certain situations. All the way up north in Van Buren Maine, my mom, Karen Lee Cyr Cummings was born on October 25, 1970. She went through many good and rough times in school, with her friends, and around the house. During childhood, we should not let any horrable or embarrassing moments bring us down, but instead push through them to find other fun in the future. Everybody goes through embarrassing moments in their life. Sometimes they are very hard to avoid. While my mom was in 6th grade, she had a terrible accident that embarrassed her a lot. During gym class, they were roller skating around the gym, having a great time. Then, my starting speeding up and lost control of herself. Wham! She hit the wall with the force of a rhino, and her front was knocked out. She was in a great deal of pain, shock, and embarrassment. With piling emotions overwhelming her body, she just wanted to get out of there and ball her eyes out. However, she didn’t let this …show more content…

Nicky was very smart, funny, and a great friend to be around. My mom always had so much fun with her especially when they slept over at each other's houses. At Nicky’s house, they would stay up super late every single time. Watching scary movies like Friday The 13 and Nightmare On Elm Street is what gave them the perfect thrill. They had so much fun being scared during the late hours of night. Also, they stayed up even later to watch MTV videos like Michael Jackson's Thriller. They also experienced the first music video on MTV ever; Video Killed The Radio Star by the Buggles, made in August of 1981. My mom and Nicky always had so much fun together away from all of the rough patches, until it came to the potato

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