
Strategy Analysis : Strategy Management

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There are huge attentions and momentum on strategy and a new approach to strategy sector has been label as a “strategy as practice“ in the recent years as well as past few years. The central theme is strategies as an activities and maximum interactions of people in organization (Johnson et al 2007).
In general view, “strategy-as-practice” as organizational staff’s including Top Management Team (TMT) and middle managers do and enact, involves in various stages such as formulation, implementation and executing strategies (Johnson, Langley, Melin, & Whittington 2007).
In an essence, the strategy is beyond a direction or future blueprint for growth & sustain in the global completive environment rather than just an asset of an organization. “The problem of performing strategy, how is it done, who does it and what they use to do it, is so important for both strategy theorists and practitioners. (Jarzabkowski, 2005 :1)
Based on an “Activity Based View” and building on a general “practice turn” in social theory ( Schatzki, Knorr-Cetina, & Von Savigny, 2001; Reckwitz 2002) , strategy is perceive as a social practice very similar to many other practices. Particularly, from a social practice perspective, strategy is enacted through a set of social interactions, regular conversations through which together managers and other staffs set out a direction for their organization and initiated it. “Strategy is high level conceptualised as a situated, socially accomplished set of activity”

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