
Street Crime in Pakistan. and to Curb It

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Street crime

Street crime is a loose term for criminal offences taking place in public places. It has moved to occupy the place once held by mugging. According to London 's Metropolitan Police Force, street crime is:
Robbery, often called 'mugging ', and also includes thefts from victims in the street where property is snatched and the victim is not assaulted. [1]
Crime on the streets of a city may include many other types of offences, for example pickpocketing, the open carrying-on of the illegal drugs trade, prostitution in the form of soliciting outside the law, the creation of graffiti and vandalism of public property, and assaults. As a generic term street crime may include all …show more content…

If you 've had things stolen during a street crime that 's likely to affect you too. As well as the obvious issues such as financial problems because of stolen cash or valuables, you can suffer emotional effects. A stolen handbag or wallet can contain irreplaceable photographs or mementos that can take away your memories. Stolen papers and keys can put you at risk of other problems such as burglary, stalking or identity theft. We 've put together a checklist to help you identify what steps you can take to help reduce the risk of more problems after a theft.
We can help
Victim Support is the independent national charity for people affected by crime. Our services are confidential, free and available to everyone. We help thousands of victims of street crime every year. Our volunteers are specially trained to give you information, practical help and emotional support. If you do decide to report a street crime to the police, we can go to the police or to court with you. We can explain how the criminal justice system works help you to apply for compensation.
If you 've been injured we can advise you about seeking medical attention. If you can 't work because of the affects of a crime, we can give you advice on dealing with your employer and getting benefits (you can also get information about benefits from your local benefits office or your local Citizens Advice Bureau.

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