
Strength Finder

Decent Essays

I have learned many things from my experience with Strengths finder. I have learned that my strengths have given me a different sense of who I am. My strengths also helped me to find out what I am good at, and this will help me to improve myself as a person. I look back on myself and see that I am successful academically. I am able to write down assignments, and make things more organized to make my academic career a little easier. I have made game plans for what to do and when to do it as a result of Strengths finder. I have also managed to take on a big amount of responsibility by making sure that I’m doing everything, and doing it right on time. I can see my strengths represented through my vocation, which is not only to be a responsible …show more content…

My strengths will also help me to improve over the next 4 years, and be ready for a future career. Harmony is the strength that will allow me to work with others effectively, and I will be able to apply this in the future. In the job industry, working effectively with others will help me establish good relationships with coworkers. This will help me make new friends, and also allow for more things to be done each day. Harmony will help me to also improve on my collaboration skills, and how I may apply them to the job industry. Harmony will help me to show others who I am as a person, and how I can apply it to working in groups. I have used harmony in the past to help others. I did this at Matthew 25 Ministries when I worked with others to gather supplies for people in need. I am currently using harmony to work with fellow classmates in Theater class, by working collaboratively with them on portions of acting. This will help myself and others to become good actors, and apply that towards audition time when we have to audition for plays. Harmony has been expressed especially towards academics, because of the certain amount of collaboratively that was present last semester and also this

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