
Strengths: A Personal Analysis

Decent Essays

Ever since I was a child, I have had a strong bond with my family. I have always felt that I could talk to my parents and grandparents about anything. Over the years, they have given me advice that I have always taken to heart. When I was five years old and going into kindergarten, my mom told me to treat and view every single one of my classmates as if they were the most special people in the world. As a freshman in high school, my dad told me to always follow my gut and to stand up for what I believe in. I was given perhaps the biggest piece of advice from grandpa during my freshman year in college. He told me that if I worked hard, then everything would work out in the end. After completing my first week of my teaching credential program, …show more content…

Instead of focusing on an individual’s flaws, I have always focused on the characteristics that make them unique and wonderful. This has helped me build positive relationships with many different types of people. The developer strength ties in with my positivity strength. As someone who always strives to see the best in people, I always look to see the best in each situation. Instead of letting something get me down, I use the adversity to fuel my ambitions in a constructive way. Just like how these two strengths tie together, my strengths of belief and achievement are intertwined, as well. While I am open-minded, my moral compass helps me determine what is right and wrong. I believe that my calling is to make a difference in the lives of everyone that I encounter. This calling is what drives me to work hard to achieve my goals. This will allow me to fulfill my defined purpose of serving God. According to Hebrews 6:10, “God is not unjust; he will not forget your work and the love you have shown him as you have helped his people and continue to help them” (English Standard Version). I will never stop trying to make the quality of life better for those around me. I believe that by educating others, I can leave my footprint on the world. By empathizing and connecting with others, hopefully this will bring me one step closer to meeting my life and educational …show more content…

The general consensus amongst them was that my results were an accurate representation of my strengths as a person. My girlfriend told me that I am always able to see the bright side of things, even when life seem dim. My positive attitude is able to comfort others when they are not feeling their best. My little sister told me that I have always been a good listener to her and can really understand her feelings. While I am able to empathize with most people, I am really able to understand people that I am familiar with. I will need to continue to develop this strength so I am able to connect with all of my students. I spoke with a former baseball coach and a former teacher of mine, and they both told me that my hard work was noticeable and served as a good example for other players and students. I am hopeful that I will be able to show the value of hard work. Finally, the last person that I revealed my StrengthsQuest results to was my mom. She agreed that being a developer was definitely one of my strengths, and I had echoed that ability since I was a little kid. While I have developed all of my strengths over time, I will need to continue to maximize them in order to be the best teacher

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