
Strengths And Weaknesses Of A Personal Report

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Having a good understanding of your professional strengths and weaknesses is imperative to having a successful career. It is also important to know what types of positions and projects would allow you to utilize those strengths to benefit your career. Taking the Network Assessment and Motivational Style Assessment were very helpful in identifying some of those strengths and weakness in my professional environment. The Network assessment was especially interesting because it was such a unique type of assessment. Both the size and density of my network was defined as medium, which was a little bit surprising to me. Since over half of my network contacts listed are coworkers, I was expecting the density and size to be small. While the size and density of my network were average, my report indicates that I have weaker ties than the average respondent. My Personal Network report identifies a benefit of this being that I could potentially have access to a much broader range of information. The report also identifies the disadvantage of this being that those weaker relationships would be unable to provide a higher level of support if needed. The insight that this report provided me will be very helpful when thinking about completion of the Master of Accounting (MAcc) program and my career over the next five years. Identifying and fostering a healthy network (of both MAcc students and accounting professionals) is crucial during a program as rigorous as the MAcc program.

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