Having a good understanding of your professional strengths and weaknesses is imperative to having a successful career. It is also important to know what types of positions and projects would allow you to utilize those strengths to benefit your career. Taking the GLEAM.org Network Assessment and Motivational Style Assessment were very helpful in identifying some of those strengths and weakness in my professional environment. The Network assessment was especially interesting because it was such a unique type of assessment. Both the size and density of my network was defined as medium, which was a little bit surprising to me. Since over half of my network contacts listed are coworkers, I was expecting the density and size to be small. While the size and density of my network were average, my report indicates that I have weaker ties than the average respondent. My Personal Network report identifies a benefit of this being that I could potentially have access to a much broader range of information. The report also identifies the disadvantage of this being that those weaker relationships would be unable to provide a higher level of support if needed. The insight that this report provided me will be very helpful when thinking about completion of the Master of Accounting (MAcc) program and my career over the next five years. Identifying and fostering a healthy network (of both MAcc students and accounting professionals) is crucial during a program as rigorous as the MAcc program.
On Wednesday, February 24, 2016, I conducted an interview with Professor Clarissa Wilkerson, JD, CPA. As an accounting major, I am extremely interested in pursuing a career in accounting and am a student in Professor Wilkerson’s class. Her enthusiastic personality continues to inspire me to pursue a career in this field. After explaining my career goals and the details of this assignment, she gladly accepted when I asked if she would be willing to conduct an interview to help me complete this interview report. Professor Wilkerson received her Master’s degree in Taxation from Georgia State University. She is also a licensed Certified Public Accountant (CPA), and has considerable experience in the field of accounting. A few of the topics we discussed were: the importance of teamwork, the way technology is changing accounting, the value of understanding finance and economics in relation to accounting, and the usefulness of receiving a degree in accounting and earning a CPA license.
This week’s assignment started by directing us to complete a self-assessment, which I felt was a well laid out chart with established skills and a level in which to rate yourself from 1 being poor up to 5 being good. I think it was a good exercise, giving us a better insight to our strengths and weaknesses. I do in fact think that I learned something new about myself and could more easily answer the question of “tell me your strengths and weaknesses”, which is often asked at interviews or promotion boards.
Identifying and understanding your own personal strengths is key to being a successful leader. Knowing your strengths means you can focus your efforts to maximize results, in yourself and in others. Strengths Finder 2.0 is designed to uncover your strengths and utilize these strengths to your advantage (Rath, 2007). Identifying and applying these strengths to your leadership style, will enhance your effectiveness as a transformational leader.
Tom Rath’s “Strengths Finder 2.0” on-line assessment identified that my top five strengths are: Strategic, Focus, Futuristic, Significance, and Learner. I see the Strength Finder Assessment as a great opportunity to get to know my personal strengths and it motivates me to work and practice my talents rather than trying to fix my weaknesses. Looking only at my strengths is a new type of skills-building which allows me to stay focus on my talents.
Two women played an indispensable role in my decision to study accounting and apply to the MAcc program: my mom and my college mentor. My mom is an avid reader and recommended that I read: Pipe Dreams: Greed, Ego, and the Death of Enron, which was my introduction to the world of business. Although I did not fully understand the underlying causes of the energy giant’s collapse, I was struck by the role that Arthur Andersen played. They failed to fulfill their obligation to conduct proper audits, and ultimately lost their CPA licenses. This sparked my curiosity about the role of auditors. I decided to major in accounting at the University of Hong Kong, which my mom encouraged.
Reflections on your personal strengths and weaknesses in terms of leadership and communication. Knowing how to advocate for clients by being assertive is a personal strength. By standing your ground, making needs known, and willing to present a subject that may be uncomfortable makes it a personal strength. Determining when to and when not to advocate for clients is a weakness. As an advocate you should be prepared to advocate for the clients wellbeing. Being able to negotiate is a weakness. Negotiation allows the employer to see how much of an asset you are to their organization.
I felt identified with your statement concerning “relationship closeness” in “the advantages and disadvantages of your network” section since I lack connectivity with people related to my sector (business). I believe that a network oriented to our objectives and goals can help us in several points such as in providing professional support (they can support us with doubts or problems in our work, help us to improve it or to find it in case we do not have it currently), connectivity (the contacts we have serve as a bridge for other contacts) and transformation (nobody never knows where will finish professionally or with whom. More contacts ensure better relationships in the future. Relationships change and we do not know what position
Be honouring of the skills that you are confident in – name your strengths and take pride in them!
There are many paths that people take to get to where they stand today. Not one path is the same. Each person has their own unique path to get where they want. Similarly to all of the people in the professional autobiography has exemplified, I have learned that there I have to create my own journey and path to achieve what I want in life. A common experience that most of the speakers have shared revolved around taking either gap years or the time after their education to further their knowledge and experience the diversity of the world. For example, Aaron Saguil mentioned that he was deployed in Afghanistan as one of the medical soldiers. At this location, he got to experience and practice medicine to help heal the soldiers hurt from battle.
On 10/30/2017, I Deputy Mignone #95 was assigned to Intake/Release. At approximately 1600 hours, I was called to cell HD-6 to assist with giving an inmate his medication. I met my supervisor Sergeant Johnson #150 along with multiple other officer. I witness inmate Matthew Spradlin standing in the cell with feces on his head and face. Inmate Spradlin stated that he had been eating his own feces and drinking his own urine. I was informed that Dr. Dahner had ordered a shot due to inmate Spradlin’s behavior.
The personal statement is very important to applicants who intend to be admitted to an undergraduate or graduate school. The role of a personal statement is to make applicants be different from other applicants. It mainly serves the purposes of persuading the admission committee of applicants’ great passion for the study field, explaining their experience that shaped their personality, demonstrating their longtime desire and commitment for the degree, and showing their life goals. What the admission committee is looking for in a personal statement varies from school to school, major to major. Art and Design is a unique program requiring its prospective students to be different in every aspect. The Art and Design Admission Committee is looking for a student who has creative potential in all respects. Hence, for those who want to apply to the School of Art and Design, they should understand how to present their stories, experiences, practice, goals, philosophy, inspirations, and aspirations in a creative way.
Based on the Clifton Strengths Assessment my top five strengths are strategic, deliberative, learner, maximize and individualization. As an individual, I rarely look into my weakness. I believe that when your too focused on your weakness, you forget about your strengths. Everything the book said is true, and we need to take the time to look at our strengths and make it perfect. It is true that in this world or the school system, we are taught to look at our weakness and correct it so that we can become stronger in our life. This book brings out the truth that I longed to hear for a long time. Invariably, I hear my professor tell their students that for them success in life, they must practice and look at our weakness. This book proves it wrong because for us to become successful, we must stay to our strengths’ path.
It is vital when looking for a new job or career that you know what skills and qualities you have. Knowing what you can or cannot do will alter what employers and positions there are for you. Throughout my higher education at Full Sail University, I have been able to overcome weaknesses that I have and raised other strengths beyond what I thought I could. Matching what you are good at and not so good at can help shape what your life path will be. Looking deeper into my personal capabilities, I have discovered three strengths and three weaknesses that I have and I’m working on eliminating or improving. If you are not good at something, improving even slightly can have a nice positive impact on your overall quality of
During my time at Accounting Firm X I learned many lessons that apply not only to accounting and the principles and practices associated with that subject, but also to life as a professional in a real world work setting. The purpose of this essay is to highlight my experiences at Accounting Firm X to shed light upon key learning experiences that can contribute to a holistic educational experience. In this essay I will first describe my goals and expectations. Next, I will go in to detail about my daily routine and how these exercises contributed toward the overall experience. I will then explore the overall lessons learned from my time spent at the firm.
When it comes to who I am in my career, a few of my strengths shine through more than others. For example, I put everything I have in to my work and into my career, and looking back at how I’ve worked in the past compared to now, I see my strengths restorative and developer.