
Strengthsquest Analysis

Decent Essays

The StrengthsQuest process is a thirty-minute online assessment. At the end of the assessment you will be provided with five talents and a short synopsis of how to apply those talents to your success. The assessment was founded by Donald Clifton. Clifton began studying the strengths of leaders by conducting interviews in the 1960s. Today the StrengthsQuest process is used in various schools all over the world. My top five talents were strategic, futuristic, relator, activator, and focus. After answering the series of questions I was given, I would say that all of those talents are an accurate depiction of me. I’m always creating alternative ways to beat the obstacles in my life. I’m also always thinking about what the future holds for me. …show more content…

Ultimately I want to be a successful actress. However, I didn’t want a degree just in theater because that career choice is not promising. My first two interest areas that I think would be good for my career are Convergence radio reporting/producing and convergence television reporting. These areas mainly teach multimedia storytelling. Convergence Radio reporting and producing gives the student a sense of working for a radio station. Not only do you learn how to report on a radio, but you also learn all the work that goes on behind the scenes. Convergence Television reporting gives the student a sense of what it’s like to be a reporter on television. This class will prepare the student for reporting in front of a camera as opposed to radio reporting. The last interest area I think would be good for my career is radio-television reporting and anchoring. In this interest area the student gets practice building and leading a newscast. All of these interest areas can be a good start for my career. I look at actor Terrence J, who started off as a host and a radio/television personality, and hope that’s where I can start as well. Also look at Nina Parker who has a degree in Journalism and now is on TV hosting Love & Hip Hop reunion

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