
Strep Throat Research Paper

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How Is Strep Throat Spread?
Strep throat is an infection of the tonsils and/or throat caused by the bacteria streptococcus pyogenes (group A strep), and streptococcal bacteria are highly contagious. Symptoms include sore throat, fever, and trouble swallowing. Children may also experience stomachache, vomiting, and headache. Signs of strep throat are white dots on the tonsils, and/or redness in the throat. How is strep throat spread? It can be spread through the air when someone with strep throat coughs, sneezes, or breathes.
How Is Strep Throat Spread?Group A strep (GAS) throat is more commonly spread directly by sick people, person-to-person. When someone infected with GAS coughs, sneezes, or breathes, the strep bacteria are released into …show more content…

However, people who carry the strep bacteria and have no symptoms are much less contagious. Treatment for an infected person is with an antibiotic, and treatment for 24 hours or longer generally prevents the spread of the bacteria to others. Although what is important to remember is to complete the entire course of antibiotics as prescribed.
How to Prevent It from Spreading
A good way to avoid strep throat is by avoiding close contact with people who are already infected, and it is especially important for anyone with a sore throat to cover their mouth when coughing and sneezing. Other preventive measures include:
$ Washing your hands frequently at home, when spending time at school, and in public …show more content…

$ Sanitizing the surfaces of your home such as, doorknobs, counter-tops, and any other hard surfaces that were touched by a contaminated person, with an appropriate antiseptic cleaner.
$ Humidify your home and clean humidifiers on a regular basis. Moisture in the air helps keep your mucous membranes moist and more resistant to bacteria.
$ Stop smoking, and avoid breathing secondhand smoke. Smoking irritates the throat tissues and could make you more likely to get infected.

Symptoms You'll Have If You're Infected
Strep throat isn’t the worst infection you can develop, but you’ll definitely know the difference between a regular sore throat, and the strep version. Signs and symptoms of strep throat might include:
$ Sudden and severe sore throat without other cold symptoms such as coughing, or sneezing.
$ Red and inflamed tonsils, sometimes with white spots on them.
$ Bright red or dark red spots in the back area on the roof of the mouth near the throat.
$ Pain or trouble with swallowing.
$ Tender and swollen lymph glands in your neck.
$ Headache
$ Fever
$ Body aches
$ Skin rash
$ Nausea or

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