
Strict Constitutionalism

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Simply, this question contains different answers; each person has a different opinion of what this could mean. Most would agree that what it means in the Constitution of the United States while others will be of the opinion that the answer is in relation to economics. In all honesty, it should be a perception that the government’s paper is both of these answers as both seem to relate to one another. The government’s paper is the US Constitution, making the federal government regulate the economy. The US Constitution was made by the founding fathers of America and was made in order to create a nation as great as it is today; the fathers envisioned such a wonderful nation. The government was created using the Constitution as its structure as …show more content…

Although, in history the Constitution has been argued on how Americans should read the Constitution, opening opinions of strict constitutionalists and loose constitutionalists. Strict constitutionalists have said to read word by word at what the Constitution says, and if something is not said precisely, then it will be deemed as unconstitutional; this was the viewpoint of Thomas Jefferson. While there are others who are loose constitutionalists who say that people should read the Constitution in between the lines, that ideas can be inferred, and this was believed by Andrew Hamilton. This is always a huge controversy since whenever a law wants to be passed, it is a process, and must be judged as constitutional in order to be passed. More speculation is made due to the infamous Elastic clause, which states that Congress had the power to make any laws that were considered proper and necessary. This could be implied in numerous ways as the office holders can have different viewpoints in what could be supposedly proper and necessary. It can be a seen as a convenient plan such as the making of the first US National bank, thanks to Andrew Hamilton. This in turn led to the national debt being decreased, and helped the nation grow in finances and trade. The Government has really grown within the years as the US Constitution made sure of making a prominent …show more content…

Consequently, the Constitution gives the features and/or structure of the economy being made. The founders knew what they had to do in order to make the nation better than the way Britain had governed them; thus, leading to the founders create a basis for the economy and found the potential benefits of a national economy. The most important aspects of the Constitution would be the protection of private property and enforcement of contracts. Surely, these ideas were of a greater importance as they will benefit the economy better with trade and influence people into the economical business. Another reason that the Constitution is the backbone of the economy as it limits the power of the government from interfering too much into the marketing. An excellent idea when making sure that the government will not have too much power as to not become a dictatorship but also not to be too lenient as not to back to the times of the Articles of Confederation and the economic chaos. The US Constitution, the government’s paper, has not only been a political movement to freedom but an economical freedom as

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