
Student Athlete Potential

Decent Essays

Behind every teacher is a student, behind every coach is an athlete, and behind every student-athlete is potential. There have been numerous ongoing debates as to what that student-athlete potential is. For an athlete, some suggest that the potential is really a path to struggling academically, others point to potential as a road to increased academic achievements. To make clear, potential is defined by the Merriam-Webster Dictionary as, “Existing in possibility; capable of development into actuality.” (Merriam-Webster, n.d. para. 1). It can be concluded that potential equals what is conceivable, which might very well be deemed struggles or achievements. It is of the belief that the reason that this debate has become so significant is the amount …show more content…

Common knowledge is that participating in sports, represents a form of physical activity. By the same token, studying for a test, performing classwork, and taking notes illustrates performing mental activities. What might not be so common is that physical activity actually produces increased brain functionality. An article published by Florida National University elaborates, “Whether children, teenagers, or adults – studies have consistently demonstrated that physically active people remain healthier and are able to perform better on tests of cerebral or intellectual ability…Most studies show that the more exercise one gets, the higher one’s mental faculties and cerebral performance.” (Florida National University, 2014, para. 1 & 2). Given this information, it can further be expanded that the demands of participating in sports activities such as, games and practice, which can be considered physical activity, relates back to increased mental performance that has the potential to emerge in the …show more content…

A book written by J. Ratey and E. Hagerman titled, Spark: The Revolutionary New Science of Exercise and the Brain provides statistical information and studies of the correlation between the two. The book questions essentially what the impact of physical activity is on grades (Ratey & Hagerman, 2008). One of the studies in this book was produced Virginia Tech included reducing the amount of time towards physical activities, while increasing time to classroom activities and subjects (Ratey & Hagerman, 2008). The results of the study found that there was no academic improvement (Ratey & Hagerman,

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