
Student Engaged Time Essay

Decent Essays

Engaged time is the amount of time that students are actively involved and participating in school instruction. In other words, engaged time is when students are in the process of learning. It is common for some students espically special needs students to be less actively engaged in class time instruction. If one increases the engaged time then the learning increases as well. One way for engaged time to increase is for the teacher to use full use of scheduled instructional time. There is time waisted when you add in housekeeping chores or get off topic. Another way engaged time can be increased is to emphasize instruction rather than independent practice. Teacher-led activities lead to a higher engagement rates. A third way engaged time can …show more content…

It is very hard sometimes for students with special needs to fit in with the crowd. Some contributors to social problems is a behavior, appearance of a student with disabilities, attitudes of others, lack of teacher training, over-protective parents, and student withdrawal. Students with special needs have feelings and they tend to get hurt when others do not want to hang around them. A student may become depressed and begin to do poorly in schoolwork. A student with special needs may also not realize how it is to have friends. It may affect a student’s behavior if he/she is not involved with others. A teacher can help by putting the classroom into small groups. By doing this, the teacher will have the special needs students interacting with the typical studnets. This can help with all the students getting to know one another and eveyone is involved. Another way the teacher can help is maybe inform the typical students on how the special needs students are “different” from them. Also the teacher could teach the students with disabilities on how to socialize with the typical students.
13. Due to Ronnie acting out and using inappropriate language during Pat Johnson’s math class, he will now be observed during class time. The functional behavioral assessment on Ronnie would start with specifing the behavior to be observed. Ronnie’s behavior will have to be described thoroughly and clearly. After a couple people have observed his behavior, then they can determine if he has produced the behavior or not. Before observing Ronnie, someone will need to select a measurement system to collect data on Ronnie’s

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