
Student 's Performance As Cause Effect Phenomen A Multilevel Approach

Decent Essays

Student’s Performance as Cause-Effect Phenomena: A Multilevel Approach

Education plays a vital role in the human and country development at all stages. There are key determinants that affect the education level which ultimately translate into human and country 's development. Quality education ensures the achievement of knowledge and required skills that enable individuals to enhance the productivity and improve their living standard and access to basic needs. This increase in productivity further translate towards new sources of earning which also further enhances the economic growth of a country (Saxton, 2000). Student performance is a key component of quality education that result in better outputs in the long run. Student intellectual performance measurement has received substantial consideration in previous research literature, it is a challenging aspects of academic literature. Student performance are affected by many factors including social, mental, economic, environmental and personal factors. These factors strongly influence on the student intellectual performance, but these factors vary from person to person and country to country.
During the last decade in Pakistan, the enrollment at primary, secondary and higher level has been increased substantially. Literacy for all (LFA) is a project initiated by government of Pakistan in 2005 which encourage the overage people to engage in getting primary education. Similarly, some other

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