AP American History Free Response Essays
Each day will have a specific essay question. For the 1st Quarter ONLY, you are to simply write a detailed outline of what you would include in your essay. From the 2nd Quarter on, you are to write both a detailed outline and the essay with it. The date listed will be the day the assignment is due.
September 16, 2009
Compare the cultures that could be found in the New World prior to the Europeans. Why were some groups more advanced than others throughout the same region?
September 17, 2009
Compare the experience of the French, Spanish, and English in colonizing the New World. What common perception of the region did they share? Discuss the differences in their relationship with Native
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How was the issue dealt with in the final version of the Constitution?
October 29, 2009
As an ordinary United States citizen in the 1790s, what would you have to fear in the passage of the Alien and Sedition Acts?
November 2, 2009
Why did the Federalist Party lose popularity and influence in the late 1790s?
November 3, 2009
Compare the foreign policies of Washington and Adams. Could better polices have been devised?
November 4, 2009
In the 1790s, why did the revolutionary political leaders become more divided over the course of the new nation?
November 5, 2009
Describe the major regional identities that began to appear in the United States in the early 1800s.
November 9, 2009
Once in office, how did Jefferson carry out his political beliefs? Explain your answer.
November 10, 2009
Describe the major issues that eventually led the United States to declare war on Great Britain in 1812.
November 11, 2009
Was it inevitable for the United States to be drawn into war with Great Britain?
November 12, 2009
What evidence was there that public polices between the War of 1812 and the Age of Jackson supported and enhanced nationalism? Include examples from all three branches of government.
November 16, 2009
Describe the evolution of American policies and actions toward Native Americans between 1816 and 1830. Could the trans-Appalachian
Why did the United States go to war with Britain in 1812? Were its goals achieved?
There were several forces that led Americans to declare war on Britain in 1812. These reasons include America not being allowed to use the ocean, Ships being stolen, and American sailors were being taken captive.
The war of 1812 was very complicated war between the United States and Great Britain from June 1812 to March 1815. This war played a very powerful role in American history by finding their identity. During this time Americans took a full transformation from a small country into one the most powerful country. While there are many reasons for this huge conflict, one exact cause of this war cannot be pointed out because there were so many factors that deal with this event. But can be narrow down to four main problems such as trade issues, war hawks, embrogo act, and territorial expansion.
The British interference with the American trade gave rise to the war of 1812. The European war between France and Britain made United States try to maintain its sovereignty and neutrality. The French and the British were using economic strangulation in defeating each other. In 1803, Britain barricaded the French possessions in Europe. The American ships always sailed by the American ports in evading the British trade prohibition between France and its colonies.2 the trade restrictions made the United States to wage war against the British to remove the trade prohibition.
The War of 1812 was a war between the United States and Great Britain after the American Revolution that happened in 1765 to 1783. The Treaty of Paris officially marked the end of the American Revolution. It represented the freedom of the 13 colonies and it also established the boundaries of the United States and Great Britain. The british agreed to stop interfering with the United States all together but did not uphold their promise and continued to interfere with America's shipping and trading route. That was the main causes of the War of 1812 because even though the british on June 16th, 1812 promised to stop interfering James Madison, who was President of the United States thought that the only way for Great Britain to truly stop was to go to war. Many legislators in Congress who represented rural areas voted for war and that was the first time that Congress declared war. The other causes of the war of 1812 were, that the British were practicing impressment of U.S. seamen and forcing them in the navy or the military to serve for Great Britain. The British also encouraged Native Americans to attack the U.S. as they tried to expand west and gain more territory.
1. Describe Samuel de Champlain’s attitude toward his Indian hosts as he traveled down the river of the Iroqouis. Do you think he respected their customs or was he repelled by them? Why?
The War of 1812 had many causes and consequences for both Great Britain and the United States of America. Both the United States and Britain were determined to get their way. The United States declaring war on Great Britain on June 12, 1812 was an extremely important and uneasy decision made by James Madison. This decision to go to had many causes and consequences for both Great Great Britain and the United States which made the War of 1812 often referred to as the Second War of Independence.
3. In the two decades before the outbreak of the American Revolutionary War, there was a profound shift in the way many Americans thought and felt about the British government and their colonial governments. Assess the validity of this statement in view of the political and
The War of 1812 is often referred to as the United States's second war of independence because, like the Revolutionary War, it was fought against Great Britain. The Conflict resulted from the clash between American nationalism and the war Britain and its allies were waging against the empire of Napoleonic France. Many Americans believed that England sought to humiliate the United States, limit its growth, and perhaps even impose a quasi‐colonial status upon its former colonies.
Prompt: Although the development of the Trans-Mississippi West is popularly associated with hardy individualism, it was in fact largely dependent on the federal government. Assess the validity of this statement with specific reference to western economic activities in the 19th century.
The War of 1812, the United States took on Great Britain who had the greatest naval power in the world. The causes of
After the colonies gained independence, the founding fathers soon found that becoming a new independent nation was going to be a difficult task. The biggest task was deciding on the division of power in the government. This issue divided the people into two groups, the federalists and the Jeffersonian republicans. Alexander Hamilton led the federalists and Thomas Jefferson led the republicans. These two important men in history would later show how the challenges of becoming a new nation. In this essay I will be analyzing the ideas of Linda K. Kerber’s “The Fears of the Federalists,” to Drew R. McCoy’s “The Fears of the Jeffersonian Republicans.” Furthermore, comparisons will be made about both essays to gain a better understanding of the struggles of government in early America.
The eighteenth and nineteenth centuries were a period of constant war within North America. From the Seven Years War of 1754 to American Revolution of 1775 and the war of 1812, just to name a few. The War of 1812 is, however, the most peculiar of them all. It was imposed by Madison upon a nation that was unenthusiastic and hesitant to fight.The main reasons that led to the declaration of the war were led by a motivation to preserve and maintain national honour in face of what Americans considered British insults. The British wanted to restrict the American trade with Napoleonic France, which was of highly profit, that America won in a long conflict against them. The British Navy seized American ships and American sailors
The War of 1812 was fought between the United States and Great Britain from June 1812 to the spring of 1815 (Findling, 15). When the war began, it was being fought by the Americans to address their grievances toward the British, though toward the end, the issues eventually were unjustified and reasons manipulated. There is no single cause for the War of 1812 but instead, several related causes, such the influence of the War Hawks, the impressments as well as the Embargo and Non-Intercourse acts, and the British's possible interference with the Indian Nations, and land ownership disputes between the Natives and Americans, ultimately leading to the Battle of Tippecanoe.
Closely followed by Columbus’ “discovery” of the New World in 1492 were the establishments of European colonies with the French primarily in the north and down the Mississippi, and with the British along the east coast. As a result, the Native Americans’ lives changed drastically. Before 1750, in terms of economically, French responded mutually in terms of economy, culturally befriended them and in terms of religion, responded benignly by encouraging Catholicism through missionaries and on were on the best terms with the Natives; the British by contrast, economically