
Styles Of Parenting Styles

Satisfactory Essays

Basically all the traits that would would be expected a child to have based on each caregivers parenting style if very different. Every child is different a way of parenting style may or may not affect you in the future. For, example Ben Carson raised by single parent with little to no money. Ben Carson grew with a mind for violence such as almost killing some loved ones of his. However, today Ben Carson is a retired neurosurgeon. This just show that not every child living in poverty and being influenced by violence is most likely to not succeed and continue that path as a child. Children that grew up with parents with an Authoritarian style of parenting often had poor social skills, lower self esteem, and basically always concerned of their actions because they are afraid of the consequences. Children with Permissive parents know that they will always have it there way. Children that grew up in this way of parenting tend to me immature, and often escape responsibilities. Children with Authoritative parents tend be better off than the other children who’s parents style of parenting was either authoritarian or permissive. These children turn out to be the happiest, most successful and basically a more cooperative friendly child. B) I do not believe these traits apply to me. Even though I was raised by an authoritarian mother and …show more content…

I am really not sure if my parents way of parenting impacted me at all. Im not sure if I would have turned out to be a different person if I never met amazing people along the way. I know one thing for sure is that none of my parents really participated in my or any of my sisters education. Other than my mom telling us to do our homework everyday. I don't even remember a time when my parents went to parent conferences nor a football or soccer game besides my last football game. And I understood, they had their reasons. I think my sisters did get impacted by this because none of them continued any type of schooling after high

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