
Suicide Bomber Research Paper

Decent Essays

The modern day suicide bomber is effective in the sense that they do cause fear and death but is greatly overused that they rarely become news worthy. Immediately after the 9/11 attacks, the suicide bomber became all the rage and the ultimate fear of Americans. After ten years of war in the Middle East and Southwest Asia, the suicide bomber is cliché to the terrorist ideology and borderline boring and expected. Terrorists want to cause fear in a sense that causes a domino effect of destruction. Though the suicide bomber is effective, there is nothing more effective than the use of a biological attack in a crowded area. It is quiet, lethal and takes a long time to detect the source and even longer time to trace it back to a suspect. Within …show more content…

A bio-terror attack has happened and no one is safe.
Selected CBRN agent background: According to the Center for Disease Control, VX is one of the nerve agents, which are the most toxic of the known chemical warfare agents. It is tasteless and odorless. Exposure to VX can cause death in minutes. As little as one drop of VX on the skin can be fatal. Nerve agents are chemically similar to organophosphate pesticides and exert their effects by interfering with the normal function of the nervous system. (CDC 2015)
Proposed Terrorist Scenario: More sophisticated terrorist networks understand the need to strike on the inside and let their target implode instead of explode. More damage is done when and infrastructure is taken down over the death of 30 people. The day after Thanksgiving known as Black Friday is the busiest holiday shopping day in the United States. Millions of people are up in the early hours to take advantage of early deals and limited items. Being that it takes a mere drop of the nerve agent VX to be fatal, a cup of VX in aerosol form has the potential to be more devastating than the 9/11 attacks. A large, multi-level mall is the primary target of such attack. At a point

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