
Suicide Essay

Decent Essays

Suicide is taking your own life, this is one of the leading causes of death in the United States. The impact of suicide can be detrimental to those around you and especially damaging to the victim in each scenario. From time to time, the attitudes toward suicide have changed a great deal over time. These attitudes toward suicide can either decrease or increase rates based on sociological perspective and beliefs. With attention to Thomas Joiner and Emile Durkheim for having the most influential theories and opinions on suicide. Unfortunately, in the past two years the trends for suicide have overall increased and have been increasing for the past couple of years. Suicide is preventable, with the proper resources, education, and support …show more content…

In addition, in the middle ages suicide was frowned upon because it went against the beliefs of the church. According to the church we are supposed to live the life that God gives us and abide by his rules for a future with him in heaven. Committing suicide is going against God’s wishes and not letting him forgive you for your sins. Furthermore, suicide rates has skyrocketed in the 19th century going forward due to better technology. The access that we have to available gas, weapons, and drugs only increases victim’s risk of suicide. Lastly another factor that is imperative in our society today is our harsh economy. The struggle to survive in our recession on top of easily accessible technology makes it too easy to end it all.

Two theories that are prominent in suicide history are those of Emile Durkheim and Thomas Joiner. Durkheim said that there were different types of suicide: anomic suicide, altruistic suicide, and egoistic suicide. Suicide that is anomic deals with the barrier between an individual and the society that they live in. There are always radical changes in the economy and society whether they be positive or negative, a person’s inability to conform in anomic. Another type of suicide is egoistic suicide, in other words low integration into society. A society with low integration does not give people a meaning to live because they are not part of the bigger picture. If people do

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