
Summary: Cypress Landing Cost-Benefit Analysis

Decent Essays

The four evaluation articles I chose analyze for this question are; Cypress Landing Cost-Benefit Analysis Report, Transitional Supportive Housing in a Rural Location, A New Model for Sexual Assault Protection, and The Sociologist as an Expert Witness. I decided on these four partially because I either related to or enjoyed reading these the most, and partially because these articles share a similar theme. The first evaluation, Cypress Landing Cost-Benefit Analysis Report is study conducted by J.E. Sumerau, Norma A. Winston, and Jack M. Geller on behalf of Housing First, Steps Forward. The article and study were done to determine the effectiveness of providing housing for those who are homeless. The reason this matters is because the homeless …show more content…

The purpose of this evaluation was to determine the importance and usefulness of providing transitional supportive housing (TSH) for victims of domestic abuse, so basically providing new housing for abuse victims away from the one who was abusing them. The study was conducted because while TSH is provided in some areas around the countries it is not done so widely. While the evaluators did have a problem, conducting exit surveys, receiving on two out of the ten participants, therefore skewing the results a little. Using the initial data the study found that “TSH program is beneficial to the clients living there.” (Mekolichick 43) By removing them from the environment they were given time to heal and readjust to …show more content…

Lynn M. Mulkey wrote the article, with the purpose of determine the usefulness of a sociologist as an expert witness in court cases; she specifically looks at issues of personal injury. As pretty much everything in this country is or can be decided by a court case this has drastic implications for the nation. The evaluation finds that a sociologist can be immensely helpful as an expert witness as the societal background to a situation is important to understanding why some things happen. This is probably the article that related to me the closest as a major reason I am minoring in sociology, to utilize the tools and skills of a sociologist as a lawyer. Had this evaluation found sociologist useless as expert witnesses I would have been a little

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