
Summary Of Barbara Fredrickson's Definition Of Love

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Our body has its own definition of love. When we describe love, we normally define it as unconditional affection and fail to see it from our body’s perspective. In Barbara Fredrickson’s “Selections from Love 2.0: How our Supreme Emotion Affects Everything We Feel, Think, Do, and Become,” she elucidates the body’s definition of love through an important distinction made between “love as you may know it” and “body’s love.” (Fredrickson, 107) “Love as you may know it” signifies society’s view on love and the type of love we are most familiar with in our daily lives—a relationship. In contrast, “body’s love” describes how different components of our bodies interact with each other and the chemical reactions that occur within. This distinction …show more content…

This is referred to as “positivity resonance.” (Fredrickson, 109) She describes this as small interactions in our day to day life that can have a great impact on our social lives; “Positivity resonance lies in the action, the doing, the connecting.” (Fredrickson, 109) Fredrickson views our bodies as vessels to interact with others and gain more knowledge about our world. This can help us forge new bonds and expand our connections. When a true connection is established between people, their brains become complements of each other; “In the very moment that you experience positivity resonance, your brain syncs up with the other person’s brain.” (Fredrickson, 110) In this quote, Fredrickson claims that when we interact and connect with another person, we become more attuned to their feelings and share a common ground. Thus, “body’s love” differs from “love as you may know it” as it revolves around multiple social connections and focuses on the body creating pairings with each connection, rather than just one. It is also about how the body works as a unified system and adapts to its environments. From our brain to oxytocin to our vagus nerve, these three interacting parts aid us in our endeavors to create new social connections; “As you interact with one person after another, they gently nudge you to attend to these others more closely and forge connections when possible.” (Fredrickson, 110) These components of our bodies alter our emotions and increase our social interactions. This type of social connection is especially relevant when participating in community service. When we give back to our community, we connect with its members and create long lasting relationships; “…their actions serve to strengthen your relationships and knit you in closer to the social fabric of life.” (Fredrickson, 110) By creating these strong relationships, Fredrickson believes

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