
Summary Of Dee To Macwis Incidents

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The reporter wants someone to go out and check the living conditions at the home. The gas has not been on for 27 months. Mom cooks on a portable burner that the grandmother gave to her. The water is on illegally. It's unknonwn how they bathe because the wter is not hot. The gas is for the stove and hot water heater. There are work utilities as far as they know. The reporter assume it's being paid by another adult in the home. TJ is always hungry. He is being fed but not nutriously. TJ mentions being fed nooldes with weiners often. The children are clothed when dad or his family buy clothes. Other than that, they wear too little clothing. Dad sends them in nice clothes; if not, it's unknown what …show more content…

It's unknown if that was handled. They wondered why the children were always sick. Recently, dad mentioned the mold. Dad doesn't go in the home; he and the mother don't get along. Dad was aware of the mold and he thought it was being handled but it's unkown. There are concerns of no beds in the home. They assume all the children sleep on a mattress with the mother. It's unclear if there are other children who live at the home. This is hearsay and TJ has mentioned this. TJ missed the first day of school because of staph; dad took him to the doctor. Dad is the custodial parent for TJ and Londyn. Mom signed over her rights for them to dad. DHS has that form and there was a written letter. Mom has a total of 6 children. The parents have court next Thursday. Mom put dad on child support for Kennadi. There was a verbal agreement between mom and dad for them to have one week on and one week off. This is dad's week to have them. Dad has a new girlfriend and mom is acting out because of that. On yesterday, mom got TJ an early dismissal and procceded to the grandmother's home to get the girls. The grandmother refused to give them to her. Mom came with her friend (Chiquita), initally. Mom brought the police with her to the grandmother's

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