
Summary Of Jim Jones ' Watch The Documentary ' Essay

Satisfactory Essays

Semester Project
Jim Jones - Watch the documentary (can be located on YouTube or Netflix) on the story of Jim Jones. Analyze what occurred, why and how. Included in your analysis should be things like (not limited to, but inclusive of) was Jim Jones a great leader? Why or why not? What type of leader was he? If you could extract something(s) from his leadership style that you would or would not emulate, what would that be? If the same scenario were repeated today, would you expect the same or different results -- why? What does this story, overall, tell you about leadership?
The documentary depicted the story of Jim Jones and his followers of “People’s Temple”. It surprised me at first that this has happened just 38 years before. Amidst the wilderness in Jonestown, Guyana, which the People’s Temple followers called paradise, about 1,000 individuals drank deadly cyanide punch or were shot to death after the order of their leader, Jim Jones. Moms and fathers gave the poisonous drink to their kids and afterward drank it themselves. Individuals shouted, Bodies trembled and within a couple of minutes on Nov. 18, 1978, 912 individuals were dead. All of this occurred as people followed Jim Jones blindly and believed that it is better to die in peace if they can’t live in peace. Jim Jones was afraid that the time has come when he would be sent to Jail for the rest of the life and he became a maniac which could be clearly seen in his actions.
Jim Jones was indeed blessed from

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