
Summary Of One Nation Slightly Divisible By David Brooks

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In the article “One Nation Slightly Divisible”, David Brooks speaks about the lifestyles between two social classes, who are near each other, yet live in separate worlds. Franklin County is described as Red America whereas the Montgomery County is perceived as Blue America. Franklin County is on the south-central of Pennsylvania usually foreseen as a rural environment. People live by the basics things in life with communities that are small and close together. Unlike the Montgomery County, located northwest of Washington D.C., it is where the upper middle class such as lawyers, doctors and journalists, are settled. People found in this area are usually the ones who are very sophisticated and modernized. Despite their geographic differences, America is “not a divided nation” because when we need help, our differences diminish bringing us together to form a united nation. …show more content…

He states, “Everything that people in my neighborhood do without motors, the people in Red America do with motors. We sail; they powerboat. We cross-country ski; they snowmobile. We hike; they drive ATVs. We have vineyards tours; they have tractor pulls. When it comes to yard work, they have rider mowers; we have illegal aliens”(Brooks ). Brooks would argue that what is separating Red and Blue America is not doing the activity but the ways in which they perform doing the activity. Their location contributes to how they perform everyday life activities just how the way they

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