
Summary Of Paul Farmer's Pathologies Of Power

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Within this nine-chapter, two-part book, author Paul Farmer single handedly both analyzed, and harshly critiqued the central and deeply rooted ideas of poverty throughout the world. In his book, Pathologies of Power, he tackles the daunting and largely misunderstood topic of poverty “to reveal the ways in which the most basic right-the right to survive- is trampled in an age of great affluence... (pg.6). Farmer, is both a professor of medical anthropology at Harvard, a doctor, and a founding director of Partners in Health, which is a global health organization that is concentrated in the most poverty-stricken areas to bring proper health care to those in need. These positions have allowed him to travel to some of the most underdeveloped areas in the world, with the largest portion of his time spent in Haiti. The experiences and observations that Farmer made in these locations provided him with a foundation of first-hand knowledge to come to the conclusion that the inequality toward the poor in terms of their basic human rights creates social violence, which is a …show more content…

His ideas are some that most would see as rather extreme, yet Farmer unapologetically calls for immediate action to end the war plagued on the poor due to social violence. His methods provide for a morally compelling book, as he doesn’t shy away from some of the most frustrating and gruesome of stories to truly show his audience, the issues that we are causing. In doing this, Farmer continuously called out those in violation of denying these basic human rights, even if they are people of a high power such as government leaders and the New York Times, or his fellow anthropologists, with none of his accusations without warrant. “A change in mentality is needed, certainly, but it was needed in the hearts and minds of those with power-and they were not here but in Guatemala City and Washington D.C”

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