
Summary Of Systemic Lupus Erythematosus

Decent Essays

Pathophysiology of Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE)
Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE) is a genetic disorder. SLE is a type III hypersensitivity or an autoimmune hypersensitivity (VanMeter, K. C., PhD, & Hubert, R. J., BS, 2014). Meaning that the body is attacking itself. In SLE a large number of autoantibodies circulate through the body (VanMeter, K. C., PhD, & Hubert, R. J., BS, 2014). These autoantibodies are deposited into the connective tissue all over the body (VanMeter, K. C., PhD, & Hubert, R. J., BS, 2014). These autoantibodies activate the complement system and cause inflammation and necrosis of the tissue that the autoantibodies are near (VanMeter, K. C., PhD, & Hubert, R. J., BS, 2014). This usually takes place in many systems in the body. In order to be diagnosed at least four body systems have to be affected.
Author’s Research Focus The researcher decided to research this for two main reasons. The first reason was to gain a better …show more content…

My grandmother died of Lupus when I was very little so researching the disease has always interested me. I will be very interested to see if in my nursing career if new medications are established to help with SLE. Also, because SLE is genetic I will be very interested to see if they come up with some sort of genetic testing to be done. If genetic testing is established for SLE I would be very interested in working as a nurse in that area. Throughout my nursing career I will always be interested and I will try to stay up to date on any new research done on SLE. If I ever saw myself going towards the career of research as a nurse I would want to help research SLE. I am so excited for these new findings. This new research may be able to prevent people with SLE from having such a premature death. I hope that in my nursing career I come across new medications to help with SLE. These medications may even come about from this

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