
Summary Of The Joari Window Of Self-Disclosure

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In the book states, Johari Window of Self-Disclosure described how persons feel afraid to be rejected or discontentment when they exposed some secrets instead they prefer to keep their hide, so they can interact with others. Johari window model is an appropriate method to apply and achieve this task of understanding and enhancing a better communication between family members, friends, coworker, classmate’s groups. Then, the Johari window model provides some details and how individuals’ perceptions of others. That self-disclosures are based on building trust, also revealing important information to others and able to learn from that feedback instead of receiving judgment or criticized their faults. These four windows describe some areas that will aid in personal information, emotional state, motivation and whether the persons are aware or unaware, about known or unknown to themselves and able to reveal their feelings to other persons. First, an open-self area is based on actions, attitudes, behavior, emotions, and feelings of persons known by them and by other persons. This is the area where persons can open themselves and let it out their secrets that no one else knows, but this primary stage it’s the hardest to most of the persons since they are so scary to become rejected after the reveals their secrets. However, that’s no mean that people are not able to express themselves or have a confident person who can listen to them without judge or criticize them about their life.

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