
Summary Of The Two Books Of Revelation

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Introduction Martin Luther quoted, “To be a Christian without prayer is no more possible than to be alive without breathing.” Prayer, for a Christian, is essential for daily living. When in prayer, it can bring about revelation from God and can confirm practices used to bring about those revelations from God. In this discussion, there will be a look at the two books of Revelation, Orthodoxy, and answer the questions regarding both. The Two books of Revelation How would you attempt to harmonize the findings of the "two books of Revelation"? The two books of Revelation look at nature versus the Bible. The books seek to show the nature of God from both perspectives of the natural and spiritual. Paris shares, “If God is to be known, it is He that must take the initiative. The Bible clearly states that He has made Himself known both through the natural order as well as through personal speaking throughout history.” In the discussion question, how can the books of Revelation find harmony? In keeping with the harmony of Revelation, John Polkinghorne and Francis Collins saw how religion and science could work in harmony. Andrew state: Certainly, individual scientists might be religious—one thinks for instance of John Polkinghorne in physics or Francis Collins in biology—but most people would say that the work of these scientists is to be taken seriously because it is separate from, and thus unhampered by, their religious faith and practice. What happens in the pews on Sunday

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