
Summary Of ' The Yellow Wallpaper '

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Thomas Scott D. Sanders ENG 102 BC2 November 13, 2015 Jennie needed to have the opportunity to work, to grow and to make connections outside of the home Introduction The yellow wallpaper is a thrilling story written by Perkins Gilman, Charlotte. The setting depicts the Victorian era when women had no place in the society because the society was dominated by men. Therefore, the women characters like Jennie were trying to rise and discover their place in the society but different obstacles prevented them from realizing their dreams. In this regard, the paper will discuss how Jennie, the narrator needed to have the opportunity to work, to grow and to make connections outside of the home. Jennie wanted an opportunity to work, to grow and to make connections outside of the home Before discussing the argument on whether Jennie needed to have the opportunity to work, to grow and to make connections outside of the home or not, the real identity of Jennie versus Jane must be outlined. The issue has raised various debates because the narrator has no name throughout the story. Thus, it is argued that the narrator could be Jane because at the end of the play she asserts that “I 've got out at last," said I, "in spite of you and Jane. And I 've pulled off most of the paper, so you can 't put me back!” (Gilman 17). Another contradiction is that Jennie was the narrator’s sister-in-law, who helped her with house keeping chores. However, the fact that Jennie is a minor character, who

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