
Summary Of Water Is My Friend '

Decent Essays

In her reading of Water is My Friend by Joy Cowley (Cowley, 1996), Annabelle exhibits skills, knowledge and strategies that suggest she is within the beginning phase of literacy development (Tompkins, Campbell, Green, & Smith, 2015), and is growing in her knowledge of words and ability to comprehend meaning.

From the moment Annabelle took hold of the book she began to demonstrate knowledge and strategies that Tompkins et al. (2015) identifies as examples of the beginning literacy phase. The beginning literacy phase rests between, though overlapping, the emergent and fluent stages of literacy development and is marked by an understand of directionality of text, higher levels of word recognition and the use of pointing as a reading strategy (Tompkins et al., 2015). That Annabelle is currently in …show more content…

In her initial response to the question regarding the books meaning she exhibited signs of a heavy reliance on the image before her, sighting the hose and water coming forth from it. Tompkins, et al., (2015) identifies this as an early strategy of comprehension. By looking at the picture and coupling the name of the book with the image, Annabelle determined the meaning to be that the friend was in the hose. When asked further questions about the meaning of the book, however, Annabelle began to demonstrate greater comprehension strategies. In particular, when she was asked about 'big water' and why we care about it she was able to make text-to-world connections (Tompkins, et al., 2015) by linking the idea that big water is dangerous to the concept of it being deadly and possibly drowning people. Through a mixture of the images on the page, the words and her previous experience she was able to draw a deeper meaning that what is available on the textual

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