
Summary: The Daycare Environment

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The daycare environment challenges the children to respond deeply to the natural world and inner world by encouraging risk taking activities and setting up different materials for the children to explore. The environment does not challenge children to respond to their cultural heritage but the environment does encourage diversity. It is the educator’s job to prepare “a stimulating environment that fosters play and exploration is an essential part of the work of a teacher of preschool children” (Fraser, 2013, p. 67). The environment is a third teacher. The environment challenges the children to respond deeply to their natural surroundings because the educators try to have the children play outside in the sun and in the rain. They will try to have the children going outside more than staying indoors. In the rain, …show more content…

When some children did go outside they liked to pick up sticks and climbed the fences; however, an educator was always present at the scene and ready to help if the children need it. Indoors, children like to run around, climb, and jump. “It is worth the significant investment of thought and time required to introduce these materials and organize them in ways that provide visibility and access, invite investigation and respect, and contribute to the aesthetic beauty of the setting” (Callaghan, 2013, p. 13). “Children can be supported to develop relationships with materials that call upon them to be mindful and respectful, when they are given the opportunity to learn to be responsible for their own safety, and to care for their environment” (Gambetti, 2002 as cited in Callaghan, 2013, p. 13). Children engage with the materials available for them. In the gym, the children immediately engaged with the jumping box in front of them. While some children played at the jumping box area, other children played with wooden

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