
Summary: The Influence Of Marijuana

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On January 13, 2017, a close friend of mine, lost her father in a car crash. The person who crashed into her father was a teenager who was highly intoxicated with marijuana. This tragedy gave me a new perspective on the dangers of driving under the influence of marijuana. Marijuana can slow reaction, impair judgment, and decrease reaction in time and distance. This drug affects the brain immensely and it causes aggression and recklessness in the way people drive. Sadly, teens are internally feeling pressured into smoking marijuana to try and conform to be like others. Marijuana is not only detrimental to a person’s health, but to those around them as well. Many people tend to overlook the dangers of driving under the influence of …show more content…

Marijuana is an illicit drug most frequently found in the blood of drivers who have been involved in vehicle crashes, fatalities or not. The Daily news reports, that “weekend nighttime drivers with evidence of drugs in their systems climbed from 16.3 percent in 2007 to 65 percent in 2014.” This shows us that the number of drivers with marijuana in their system grew by nearly 50 percent, and this leaves me shocked that the rates have gone up this high. This worries me, because in a couple of years from now, the percentage will increase, and there will be more people driving carelessly. Those who decide to smoke and put their hand on the wheel, are risking their own lives, and those around them as well. Accidents are the fifth leading cause of death in the United Sates, Fatality Analysis Reporting System (FARS) states, “nearly half are motor vehicle accidents, killing 38,588 people in 2006 alone.” This is an …show more content…

The most complex organ in the body affected by marijuana, that causes the act of reckless and aggressive driving, is the brain. When one smokes marijuana, THC quickly passes from the lungs into the bloodstream. The blood then carries the chemical to the brain and other organs throughout the body. Once a person eats, the body further absorbs THC and the effects are apparent from thirty minutes to an hour. Young adults should be taught this information, to possibly end this conflict. Scholastics states that “marijuana effects judgement, and can impair his or her ability to drive.” I don’t understand why people chose to smoke marijuana, they are deliberately signing up for hurting themselves and those around them. If your judgement is being impaired, you shouldn’t be able to drive! So, exactly how long does this drug impact a person’s ability to function properly? An important communication system within the brain and body, is called the endocannabinoid, named after the cannabis plant from which marijuana comes. The natural chemicals produced by the body, that interact within the EC system are called cannabinoids, “and like THC, they interact with receptors to regulate these important body functions.” Those who are using marijuana, fail to notice how their body is being effecting and I believe that people need to know the risks of actions they are

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