
Summary : ' The Old Testament '

Decent Essays

Scriptural Perspectives
In the Old Testament, many false religions included self-mutilation as worship. In 1 Kings 18:24-29, the prophets of Baal are described as cutting themselves with swords and spears in worship to their false god. As a result, God made a law against cutting as a form of worship in Leviticus 19:28: “You shall not make any cuts on your body for the dead or tattoo yourselves: I am the Lord.”
Later, in the New Testament, cutting oneself was associated with a person who was known as being possessed by demons (Mark 5:2-5). Additionally, the New Testament submits that one’s body should be taken care of: “Or do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within you, whom you have from God? You are not your …show more content…

As it is, Christ, through the resurrection, calls us continually from our own graves in the present. Thus, the hope for the self-mutilator involves Christ calling the self-mutilator from her suffering grave. This call represents the apocalyptic breaking in of new creation upon the self-mutilator and thereby the transformations of her lacerations as Christ 's lacerations are likewise transformed.

Jesus’s blood spilled at the cross is the perfect substitution and hope for all people. Jesus perfectly fulfills all of the needs of people, including struggling adolescents. He is the ultimate stability, the ultimate control, and provides the ultimate relationship.

Youth Worker Response and Opportunity
Cutting and other forms of nonsuicidal self-injury are incredibly prevalent among American adolescents, which creates a significant responsibility for youth ministers and workers who wish to serve and protect their students to the best of their abilities. Based on the previously discussed motivations that drive many young teens to cutting, it is apparent that adolescents possess a specific set of needs that must be met in order for them to feel safe and contented. The first and possibly most important of these needs is the desire for human love and relationships. While parental love and support is the most important and influential of these relationships, other relationships are important as well, such as friendships with peers. Teens also constantly seek for hope beyond

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