
Summary: The Transportation Security Administration

Decent Essays

There’s twenty layers of security that is employed by the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) but it take strong managerial skills to make sure the layers stay unpenetrated so the layers of security could stop terrorist attack. New ideas from managers are always needed to counter the evolving threat of terrorist. Some of the view ideas are credential authentication technology, paperless boarding pass, bottle liquid scanners etc. With the treat being very broad Employees should find innovative ways to help anticipated threats.
I want to talk about TSA security layers, Hunan factors, and how next generation is involve. Risk management is hard to control, especially when technology is growing TSA need workers to catch potential treats. …show more content…

For example, a rule at the airport ids to not plug in an us into the government computer. The reasoning is to prevent virus, and vulnerability sensitive information. The Manager should discipline with a positive behavior as he or she discuss and reinforce the rules. As a manager its great to emphasize how disobeying the rule brings risk towards airport security. TSA Employees should use the various checklist to identify potential terrorists based on behaviors that indicate stress or deception, known as the Screening of Passengers by Observation Techniques, or SPOT. Behavior Detection Officers is trained employees that watch and interact with passengers going through screening (Winter). The checklist ranges from passengers behavior showing emotions that are common to many people who fly. Trainrd TSA employees are at the checkpoint, we placed specially trained TSOs at the front of the checkpoint to review travel documents to search for fraudulent identification (IDs) and also to look at behavior. We are continuing to develop methods that will make it harder for dangerous people to use fraudulent documents and IDs by raising the standard of inspection and providing additional equipment for our TSOs to perform this …show more content…

Well-trained and experienced law enforcement partners support TSA’s checkpoint activities with deployments of officers as well as canine teams. We hired and deployed over 100 Bomb Appraisal Officers (BAO) who provide advanced training for the workforce on explosives and improvised explosive devices (IED) and resolve alarms beyond the TSO capability. We plan to hire and experience in IEDs as well as in Chemical, Biological, Radiological, and Nuclear threats. They work closely with local law enforcement, bomb squads, and military Explosive Ordnance Disposal personnel to satisfy TSA’s explosives detection needs. In the baggage area, similarly well-trained, experienced TSOs use a variety of technologies to screen baggage, and, when necessary, physically search baggage to resolve anomalies. Thousands of pilots who undergo special training and become Federal Flight Deck Officers are authorized and ready to protect the cockpit with firearms. All flight and cabin crewmembers receive mandatory security training, through their air carrier, on protecting the aircraft and addressing various threat conditions. TSA provides additional training, on a voluntary basis, for cabin crewmembers in self-defense techniques. In

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