
Summary: Why Robots Will-And Must-Take Our Jobs

Satisfactory Essays

"It is a safe bet that the highest-earning professions in the year 2050 will depend on automations and machines that have not yet been invented." Kevin Kelly states this in his article "Better than Human: Why Robots Will-and Must-Take Our Jobs" to persuade the readers of his argument. Kelly believes in increasing automizations in the workplace, that Robots should take our jobs. Kelley believes that automations taking our jobs will benefit our society and increase productivity. Kelley's article had good points, however, due to his lack of a counter argument, failing to use multiple facts and insufficient historical events his article lacked convincing evidence and an interesting point of view. Kelly didn't let the readers see his counter argument, which lead to the article being not as interesting as it could have been. Throughout the article Kelly only wrote about his view of why robots should be taking our jobs. …show more content…

In an hypothetical example Kelly used about an organic farmer, Kelly wrote about giving everything the organic farmer needed to do to the robot, making the robot do everything that the farmer had to do. In the hypothetical example the organic farmer had nothing else to do because the robot was doing all his work for him. When reading this I realized that it would just make the organic farmer not want to work. In "Better than Humans" Kelly makes humans seem lazy, not willing to do anything. Using this specific hypothetical, it leads the readers to interpret that humans would just become uninterested in doing anything. Throughout the article Kelly made humans suggest that they would become lazy with the hypotheticals he used. Suggesting that humans were to become indifferent about what they were doing lead to Kelly’s argument not being accepted in a positive

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