
Summary of Evil and Atheism This essay is a summary of William L. Rowe's paper 'The Problem of Evil and Some Varaties of Atheism.'

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In William L. Rowe 's paper "The Problem of Evil and Some Varieties of Atheism" he sets out to accomplish two main goals. The first goal is directed toward theists, while the second attempts to reach the very wellspring of an atheist 's heart. Foremost, Rowe sets out to show that there is "an argument for atheism based on the existence of evil that may rationally justify someone in being an atheist" (335). After he has effectively addressed this first issue he moves on to try and convince the atheist that in light of all the evidence that theists are rationally justified (just as much as the atheist) and therefore that atheists should subscribe to what Rowe calls "friendly atheism."

Rowe begins his paper by distinguishing two types of …show more content…

Rowe also includes two other possible objections to his argument but believes them both to be inadequate. One is to show that the first premise is defective while the other is to defend the problem of evil by arguing that it exists because of free will.

Therefore, since the theist is justified in his belief in a wholly good, omnipotent, omnipresent being then the

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