
Support Child Development Essay

Decent Essays

The child is in the first plan of development “infancy” and in the absorbent mind of language also in the sensitive period of order, movement, order and refinement of senses. Practical life and language support the vital process of adaptation by the absorbent mind because the child build his personality and his mind intelligence while he is adapting in the environment so the child socks all the information and impression also language relates to the normative language (English) that helps in adaptation, the teacher can add another language to the class e.g. mandarin, French because the child is in the sensitive period of language , in practical life the child establish the classroom routine by the sequential order that will leads to logical …show more content…

In addition the dressing frames exercises enhance the child finger grip (fine motor movement) that will help him in writing because the child is in the sensitive period of movement. Grace and courtesy The child is in the sensitive period Understanding Manners For children between 3to 6 grace and courtesy is an adult model for children that they like to imitate. Grace and courtesy exercises are expressive because it’s all about communication with verbal expression with social aspects relates to language so it relates to communication this will leads the children to feel confident while they deal with other eventually this will leads the child to freedom for example please and thank you ,excuse me …etc. Control of movement For example the silence game this exercise helps the child to listen to any sound and listening helps in language development. Also the language games in the language charts help the child to enrich his vocabulary and the child

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