
Symbolism In Alice Walker's The Color Purple

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The Color Purple is a book that symbolizes the power of strong female friendships. The book never clearly states it, yet all of the women in the book, except for Shug, are fighting for their independence. They want to be strong and free, yet the chains of life are holding them back. For most of the book, Celie, is a powerless being that just goes along with what everyone else wants her to do. She takes the beatings Mr._____ gives her and doesn’t do anything to try to defend herself. She just goes through the motions and doesn’t feel or appreciate anything until Shug and Sofia come along. Shug is strong, independent and beautiful, everything Celie wishes she could be. She makes her own money, she has various gentlemen callers and does what she wants when she wants. Also she is not afraid to stand up to Mr.______. Those are things that Celie has never been …show more content…

When Celie finds out about the letters that Nettie has been sending that Albert has kept from her, she feels betrayed, on page 144 she writes “Dear God, what with being in shock, crying and blowing my nose, and trying to puzzle out words us don’t know, it took a long time to read just the first two or three letters. By the time us got up to where she good and settled in Africa, Mr._____ and Grady come home. Can you handle it? ast Shug. How I’m gon keep from killing him, I say. Don’t kill, she say. Nettie be coming home before long. Don’t make her look at you like us look a Sofia. But it so hard, I say, while Shug empty her suitcase and put the letters inside.” Finding those letters was the turning point of Celie’s life. Before she was quiet and soft spoken but after that discovery she did not care what people thought of her. It was the point when she realized all she had put up with and decided no more. She had had her share of bad times and now she could move on to better ones. Also she had something to look for, Nettie coming

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