
Symptoms And Treatment Of Pediatric Allergies Essay

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Descriptions: On September 21, 2016, I reviewed Mrs. S’s chart prior to meeting with her. She is an 80-year-old female who is a resident at the Artman Luthern Home. She has no known drug allergies. Her past medical history includes; thrombocytopenia, hypothyroidism, unspecified dementia with behavioral disturbances, hypertension, difficulty walking, UTI, history of a fall, and artificial openings of the urinary tract. I performed a Head to toe assessment on her, my findings for the neuro assessment included her being awake alert and oriented to person only. Her pupils were equal, round, and reactive to light, with accommodation. She is wheelchair bound with +3 range of motion in her lower extremities and +5 in her upper extremities. She wears glasses, is hard of hearing and has difficulty swallowing. Her Cardiovascular assessment included normal capillary refill < 3 seconds. No JVD and No edema or swelling. Her apical pulse was 80 beats per minute. Mucous membrane was pink and moist. Her skin was warm dry and intact. She currently has no wounds or bruises.The respiratory assessment included clear and equal breath sounds. Respirations were 16 and unlabored. Chest explains symmetrical. No secretions/ sputum. GI: abdomen soft ad non-distended, last bowel movement was on September 20, 2016. Bowel sound present in all four quadrants. Her diet consists of a mechanical soft diet. GU: foley in place , draining clear yellow urine with no pain or discharge. Her

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