
Synthesis Essay On Technology Analysis

Decent Essays

As of 2003, employers are spending $1.3 billion a year to teach basic writing skills (Source B). Students now a days use a lot more technology than that of previous generations. Technology is seen by many individuals as a method to improve the education system while the negative impacts of technology are simply avoided and bypassed. Technology has many more cons than pros; there is a long list of harmful effects of technology on the younger generations. Studies have proven that individuals under the age of 30 are not any smarter than their elders despite the fact that they have access to various kinds of information within a click of the mouse. Technology should be used only as a tool, not as a central operating system, it should not be able to impact our daily lifestyle. Technology is dangerous for the youth as it causes lack of concentration, knowledge and causes a lack of motivation. Technology is physically and mentally harming the …show more content…

But that’s not the case; studies have proven that elders have a higher IQ than the youth. This simply means that the youth is not using the available technology to their benefit. The younger population of Americans had little to no idea about the general geographical, economical, historical, sociological and cultural aspects of their country (Source E), despite the fact that the information is available to the youth at their fingertips. “56 percent of 18-29 year-olds possessed low knowledge levels, while only 22 percent of 50-to 64-year olds did” (Source A). Along with all that, there is a decline in the percentage of college freshmen who say it is important to keep up with the politics (Source B). Today’s youth is experiencing a lack of general knowledge due to the fact that technology is being used for wrong purposes. This youth is absolutely the dumbest if they are not familiar with the basic aspects of their

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