
Syrian Revolution Research Paper

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Despite its reputation for almost anarchism-like conditions, Syria is a complex country with an interesting history and government affairs.

The country we know today was not always known as ‘Syria’. The beginning is thought to be when Prince Faisal captured Damascus in 1918. In 1920, France enforces the Sykes-Pico treaty, removing Faisal from power and claiming Syria and surrounding areas. Riots by the citizens wanting to escape French rule eventually cause their oppressors to withdraw, and after WWII, all of the French were gone. Michel Aflaq and Salah-al-Din al-Bitar founded the Arab Socialist Baath Party in 1947. This was disbanded between 1949-1952. Army officers then rebel, bringing back a civilian government and electing a veteran …show more content…

Concern over the joining of ISIS has also caused extreme measures to be taken, such as banning burqas because of fears that they will encourage students to join the extremists. Most citizens hate the government due to the torture of 15 schoolchildren who were writing graffiti on the wall back in 2011, and the government’s reaction to the protests.

Syria is a small country bordered by Iraq, Turkey, Jordan, Israel, and Lebanon. The majority of the Western side of the country is bordered by the Mediterranean sea. Most of the land is dry and dusty, with gigantic sand dunes and flat terrain due to the Syrian desert covering most of the country. However, there are oases present. There are two mountain ranges in the 71,998 mile country (which also has the Euphrates river in its borders): The Anti-Lebanon Mountains and abal an Nusayriyah.

Syria’s population consists of 230,018,387 individuals as of January 1st of 2015. 35.2% are under 15, 61% are between 15 and 64, and 3.8% are over 64. More than 4 million refugees have fled the country since 2011. 86% of adults (15+) can read as of 2013. 90.3% are Arabs, and 9.7% are other ethnicities (Kurds, Armenians, etc.) Arabic is the national language, although Kurdish, Armenian, and Aramaic are also spoken. 57.7% live in Urban areas. 4% of children are used in child labor.

The government of Syria is a republic under an authoritarian regime,

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